Order of Signs, Sigils and Seals
"Osiris Alive and Well, Out of the Tomb with Isis" a painting by Olivia Robertson
Photo by Minette Quick
Received from Olivia Robertson
via David deRoeck
November 17, 2012
"I am creating a new rite for the hidden keys for the mystery of Osiris. Know that this key is within you, as you are the key and you should never give your power or key to other. This is your birth rite and your key to the mysteries for your journey to other dimension realms. I send blessings to you all and ask that you listen for the Goddess."
Several members were in contact with Olivia after this announcement. Olivia Robertson sent the following poem in a private letter, January 2013:
The Winged Isis restores Osiris to life.
We also are reborn through the Divine Wife,
Each of us should cherish the other
For we are all born of the Divine Mother!
So it is, and so are we all.
~ Olivia Robertson
FOI Foundation Union Triad
March 19, 2016
Some months ago, FOI Tri-Union member, Archpriest David deRoeck sent materials for a project FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson had been working on before she passed. Olivia had issued an announcement about discovering our own hidden keys to the mysteries in 2012. Consequently, Olivia shared information about this work with several FOI members. Several received private letters and the poem, below, from Olivia regarding this work.
While contemplating the Order, as described by Olivia in the message, it was discovered there are four rituals Olivia specifically dedicated to Isis and Osiris. When they are listed in chronological order of their publishing within a book in the liturgy, they actually offer four successive stages of initiation, and correspond to the four levels of the Star of Ishtar diagram.
The stages are described in the four paths below. The descriptions are derived from the stated purpose of each of the liturgy books they come from and Olivia’s writings about the four levels of the Star of Ishtar.
The symbolic key of the Mystery of Isis and Osiris is the ankh, which has been referred to as “the key of life.”
Olivia left a body of work that can help in study, reflection and ritual regarding the hidden keys of the mystery of Osiris. Finding our own inner key was a focus of her writings, rituals and guided journeys.
This new order is part of the Muses Symposium. It is for private or group study, with no degrees offered.
Part I. Egypt. The Key of Life
"... the drama of Isis and Osiris is about awakening into who we really are." - Olivia Robertson
Path I. Awakening. We Hear the Call of Isis: We Awaken with Osiris
Path II. Initiation. We Harmonise Our Psychic Centers and Physical and Cosmic Energies
Path III. Psychic Journey. We Experience Divine Love Which Illumines All Spheres
Path IV. Solar Alchemy. We Transmute Earth to Spirit: We Find Our Inner Star
Supplemental Materials by Olivia Robertson:
Ritual: Dedication of a Shrine to Isis
Guided Journey: Dawn of the New Aeon
Guided Journey: Magical Journey on the Wings of Ma'at
Guided Journey: The Embrace of Nuit
Guided Journey: The Lightning Flash of Isis: Opening the Heart Center
Guided Journey: Enfolded in the Wings of Isis
Devotional Practice: Blessing of the Amulet
Article: The Veil of Isis (originally published in the Mirror of Isis)
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