Fellowship of Isis Glossary
A list of designations and terms used in the Fellowship of Isis:
ArchPriesthood ((ArchDruid Union, ArchPriest, ArchPriestess, ArchPriesthood Union, Foundation Union, FOI Foundation Union Triad and Grand Commander Union)
College of Isis (Candidate, College of Isis Preceptor, Companion, Consecration, Hierophant, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magi Degrees, Magus, Neophyte)
Druid Clan of Dana (ArchDruid Union, ArchDruidess, ArchDruid, Bard, Candidate, Companion, Consecration, Druidess, Druid, Grade, Grove, Herenach)
Foundation Union (FOI Foundation Union Triad) (ArchDruid Union, ArchPriesthood Union, Grand Commander Union)
General Terms (Appointment, Companion, Degree, Manifesto, Solitary Practitioner, Sponsor)
Noble Order of Tara (Candidate, Chancellor, Companion, Consecration, Dame, Dame Commander, Grade, Grand Commander Union, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Priesthood (ArchPriesthood, ArchPriesthood Union, Candidate, Hierophant, Iseum, Lyceum, Ordination, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood, Titles, Vocation)
Solar Iseums of Alchemy (Alchemy Degree, Candidate, Companion, Ordination, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood, Priest Alchemist, Priestess Alchemist, Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy)
Spiral of the Adepti (Adept, Adepti, Adepti Degrees, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty, Candidate, Consecration, Iseum, Iseum Adept, Iseum Preceptor, Initiate, Initiate Levels, Spiral of the Adepti)
Directory of Listed Terms in Alphabetical Order:
Adept: An Iseum Founder/Administrator who has attained 4 Initiate Levels through the Adepti Spiral of Liturgy Dramas, declared a skilled area of service to the Goddess (examples: dream work, astrology, aromatherapy, herbalism, etc.) and has been consecrated by a Hierophant of a Lyceum. Those studying towards Adepthood must train under the supervision of a Hierophant. Hierophants are the preceptors of the College of Isis, and they are the FOI priesthood members who are qualified to act as teachers and guides to others when engaged in study toward earning degrees via mysteries of the FOI Liturgy. A Candidate for Adepthood is qualified as an Adept after the attainment of a 4th Initiate Level. An Adepti does not have to be an ordained member of the Priesthood. Unlike a Hierophant of the College of Isis, an Adept is not required to teach. They may offer courses in their speciality, but not study of degrees involving the FOI Liturgy. An Adept can have more than one skilled area of service. (see Adepti, Adepti Degrees, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty, Candidate, Consecration, Iseum, Iseum Adept, Iseum Preceptor, Initiate, Initiate Levels)
Adepti: plural form of Adept. (see Adept, above)
Adepti Degrees: Adepti degrees are called Initiate Levels. An Initiate Level is attained by a student in an Adepti Iseum course of study. The Adepti Iseum offering this course of study must be twinned with a Lyceum in the College of Isis. When the student has achieved Divine Awareness due to performing an Adepti FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama, a certificate is conferred to the Iseum Adept by the Hierophant of the Lyceum that is twinned with the Adepti Iseum. When 4 Initiate Levels have been achieved and a special skilled area of service declared, the 4th Degree Initiate may be consecrated as an Adept. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Iseum, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty (or Specialties), Divine Awareness, Initiate, Initiate Level, Iseum Preceptor)
Adepti Iseum: An Adepti Iseum is headed by a Founder/Administrator who is an Adept. Although the Adepti Preceptor may teach in their area of speciality, they cannot offer degrees conferred by enactment of the FOI Liturgy. In order to offer such degrees, the Adepti Iseum must be twinned with a Lyceum in the College of Isis. Only Hierophants in the College of Isis can offer such degrees. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Degrees, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty (or Specialties), Divine Awareness, Initiate, Initiate Level, Iseum Preceptor)
Adepti Preceptor: The Adept who is Founder/Administrator of an Iseum and serves as a teacher in their specialty. As an instructor the Adepti Preceptor, who is a skilled specialist in an area of expertise only offers training to a student in certain skills, but does not confer degrees earned as a result of enactment of the FOI Liturgy. Degrees earned as a result of performing FOI Liturgy must be conferred by a Hierophant of the College of Isis. Degrees are only earned through an Adepti Iseum twinned with a Lyceum of the College of Isis. “Preceptor” comes from Middle English, which in turn comes from Latin “praeceptor” derived from Latin “praecipere”, meaning ‘to teach.’ (see Iseum Preceptor, Lyceum Preceptor)
Adepti Specialty (or Specialties): Special skill or skills (there may be more than one) in an area of service (examples: dream work, astrology, aromatherapy, herbalism, etc.) which are dedicated to the service for the Goddess. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Iseum, Adepti Preceptor)
Advisory Board: A series of advisory councils were formed by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson, AU. At the time of their creation, Olivia gave the members a series of duties to perform within the Fellowship of Isis. Advisory Board members are available to all FOI members to contact as a sounding board and resource for information. The officially appointed FOI Advisory Boards are sometimes deemed as ‘Circles’ to denote democracy within the membership, as stated in the FOI Manifesto - “The Fellowship is organized on a democratic basis. All members have equal privileges within it …” The boards that were created by Olivia are listed in alphabetical order: Circle of Brigid (Ireland, co-hosts festivals and events at FOI Foundation Centre), Circle of Isis (Fellowship of Isis, Temple of Isis Headquarters, Geyserville, legal FOI Priesthood, maintains a central global FOI website), Circle of Pelagia (Fellowship of Isis, Temple of Isis in Los Angeles), Nemeton of Dana (for Druid Clan of Dana), Round Table of Tara (for Noble Order of Tara), The Star of Elen (UK and Europe), The Star of Isis Consultancy (comprised of ArchPriesthood Union members). Please note that some of these advisory boards are no longer active. (see Circle)
Alchemy: A system of study and ritual designed for members of the FOI Priest/Priesthood to chart their spiritual progress once they are ordained. Solar Iseums of Alchemy offer teaching within two series of Spiral of Alchemy liturgy rites. (see Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemy Degree, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy, below)
Appointment: General term for titles that are achieved within the Fellowship of Isis.
ArchDruid/ArchDruidess: A Fellowship of Isis member who is consecrated as an ArchDruid or ArchDruidess after achieving the final three degrees (10,11,12) that constitute the fourth grade of study in the Druid Clan of Dana. Only an ArchDruid or ArchDruidess can found and head a Grove in the Druid Clan of Dana. (see Bard, Candidate, Consecration, Druidess, Druid, Grade, Grove, Herenach)
ArchDruid Union: A group of 32 ArchDruids and ArchDruidesses. The ArchDruid Union was originally created in October of 2009 by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson. They act as Custodians of the Legacy of the Fellowship of Isis. The title “Most Reverend” is used as the title accompanying the name of an ArchDruid Union member. Example: Most Reverend Olivia Robertson. The ArchDruid Union joins the ArchPriesthood Union and Grand Commander Union of the Fellowship of Isis forming the FOI Foundation Union Triad.
ArchPriest/ArchPriestess: “This ancient Isian designation relates to the scope of work undertaken, involving a thousand or more members.” - Olivia Robertson, original FOI Handbook. "Right Reverend" is used when addressing an Archpriest or ArchPriestess, which is often abbreviated as “Rt. Rev.” Example: Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson.
ArchPriesthood Union: A group of 32 ArchPriests and ArchPriestesses. The ArchPriesthood Union was originally created in January of 1999 by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson. They act as Custodians of the Legacy of the Fellowship of Isis. The term “AU” is used after the name of an ArchPriesthood Union member. Example: Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, AU. The ArchPriesthood Union joins the ArchDruid Union and Grand Commander Union of the Fellowship of Isis forming the FOI Foundation Union Triad.
Aset Shemsu: The hieroglyphic logo of the Fellowship of Isis. The hieroglyphs were researched by FOI co-founder, Rt. Rev. Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, and drawn by FOI co-founder Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, AU. In the earlier years of the Fellowship of Isis, when all certificates and charters were issued from FOI Foundation Centre (Clonegal Castle, Ireland) the hieroglyphic logo “Aset Shemsu” was always included at the top of the document. The FOI Manifesto was always headed with the “Aset Shemsu” logo. The same is true today, every certificate and charter that is issued from an FOI Center Administrator must include the “Aset Shemsu” hieroglyphs at the head of the document. This provides a resonant link throughout the Fellowship of Isis with the love of the Goddess Isis that spans thousand of years and provides a profound symbolic and magical significance. “Aset Shemsu” translates as the “Retinue of Isis“. Among these ancient hieroglyphic signs is that of "Aset, the Throne of Isis, the Matriarchal seat that conferred power on each succeeding Pharaoh. The picture-word for Woman is presented as a seated woman in profile; and the symbol of the Sun-God Horus, son of Isis and Osiris, is given in his bird form, in which he uses his Utchat eye. One may still see these symbols carved on the walls and columns in Egyptian temples and tombs.” - Olivia Robertson. See the FOI Manifesto page to view Lady Olivia's drawing of Aset Shemsu.
Attunement: From the early years, FOI members have been able to perform ritual and meditations together by attunement even if they are geographically separated in different parts of the same country or situated in various locations worldwide. At an agreed upon time, an ordination, consecration, healing work, blessing or meditation may be performed, FOI members will link psychically on the astral.
Attunement Times: Olivia Robertson has written: “The Fellowship of Isis provides Attunement Times at dawn and dusk, between 6:30 to 8:30 every morning and evening. As members live all over the world, someone may be attuned to the goddess at any hour. Therefore the member performing a ceremony alone - is not alone.” Olivia wrote that the Attunement Times given are GMT, but she suggests that every FOI member may tune in between 6:30 to 8:30 in the morning and evening in their own particular time zone. This facilitates attunement with other FOI members who live worldwide.
Bard: Designation of the first Grade (rituals 1, 2, 3) of the Druid Clan of Dana in a structured course of study. (see ArchDruidess, ArchDruid, Bard, Candidate, Consecration, Druidess, Druid, Grade, Grove, Herenach)
Candidate: In the FOI Liturgy, the role of Candidate is enacted by an FOI member who is undergoing ordination, consecration or initiation during the ritual. The definition of a candidate is someone who has been nominated for an office, has nearly completed the requirements for a degree or will gain a certain position. The word candidate comes from Latin candidtus meaning ‘clothed in white’ (from the white togas worn by Romans seeking office).
Cesara Publications: The publishing company of the Fellowship of Isis co-founders, in operation from 1976 through 2011. The original FOI liturgy books, Handbook of the Fellowship of Isis and College of Isis Manual were published by Cesara Publications, located and issued from Clonegal Castle, FOI Foundation Centre, Ireland.
Chancellor: A designation used in the Noble Order of Tara, originally referring to the founder of the Order, FOI co-founder Lawrence Durdin-Robertson. In 1979, the Chief Herald of Ireland had matriculated Lawrence as the twenty-first Baron of Strathloch. As a member of the Baronic Court, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson had the authority to bestow knighthood within it. He became Chancellor of the Noble Order of Tara upon his founding of the order in late 1989. Olivia Robertson is the current Chancellor of the Noble Order of Tara which is often designated by the capital letters of it’s name - NOT. Olivia wrote that there will be no future Chancellor after she "departs for spirit sphere". (see Candidate, Consecration, Dame, Dame Commander, Grade, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Circle: A series of advisory councils were created by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson, AU. At the time of their creation, Olivia gave the members a series of duties to perform within the Fellowship of Isis. The officially appointed FOI Advisory Boards are sometimes deemed as ‘Circles’ to denote democracy within the membership, as stated in the FOI Manifesto - “The Fellowship is organized on a democratic basis. All members have equal privileges within it …” Advisory Board members are available to all FOI members to contact as a sounding board and resource for information. (see Advisory Board)
Clonegal Castle: The ancestral home of FOI co-founders Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, AU and Rt. Rev. Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, and the home of Lawrence‘s wife, FOI co-founder Pamela Durdin-Robertson. It is located in Enniscorthy, Ireland. According to the wishes of the FOI co-founders, In matters relating to the FOI, the name "Clonegal Castle" is used. In mundane life, the castle is actually named "Huntington Castle." (see FOI Foundation Centre, Temple of Isis Ireland)
College of Isis (Collegium Isidis): College of Isis centers are called Lyceums. These centers offer structured courses centering on the Magi Degree Ritual Dramas of the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy. Instruction and guidance is given by the Hierophant of the Lyceum. There are 32 working degrees, the 33rd which is named “Mystical Initiation” referring to spontaneous spiritual awakening and communion with Deity without the aid of ritual. This 33rd degree is not certified, but kept private. (see Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum, Maga, Magi, Magi Degree, Magus)
College of Isis Preceptor: The Hierophant of a Lyceum in the College of Isis. A Hierophant is required to serve as a teacher and to offer a structured course of study in the Magi Degree FOI Ritual Liturgy Dramas. As an instructor the Lyceum Preceptor or Hierophant offers training to a student. A Lyceum Preceptor may also offer a Priest/Priestesshood training program. “Preceptor” comes from Middle English, which in turn comes from Latin “praeceptor” derived from Latin “praecipere”, meaning ‘to teach.’ (see Adepti Preceptor, College of Isis Preceptor, Iseum Preceptor, Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magi Degree, Magus)
Companion: A general term used to designate members of an FOI center. Olivia wrote the following about Lyceum Companions, which holds true for members of every type of FOI center: “Every companion, being daughter or son of the Mother Goddess, has equal honour with the Hierophant, but voluntarily submits to guidance and teaching. Increasingly they bring their own individual gifts to the Lyceum.”
Company: An assembled company of FOI members gathered to participate in ritual drama or seasonal rite. Usually referring to the gathering together of the Companions of a single center.
Company of the Magi: This term refers to the FOI members who are either a Magus or a Maga in a College of Isis Lyceum. (see Maga, Magus and Magi below)
Consecration: The culminating ritual that leads to the designation of a title upon the Candidate during a course of study. It is the dedication and sanctifying of the Candidate to a specific role and goal of service. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Iseum, ArchDruid/ArchDruidess, Bard, Dame, Dame Commander, Druid, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Lyceum, Herenach, Hierophant)
Cosmic Web: The Star of Ishtar and the Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix together form the Cosmic Web. (see Web of the Universe, Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix and Star of Ishtar, below)
Dame: The feminine designation for the first grade (rituals 1,2,3) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Dame: The feminine designation for the first grade (rituals 1,2,3) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Knight, Grand Knight Commander, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Dame Commander: The feminine designation for the third grade (rituals 7,8,9) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Degree: Certification that is awarded after an appropriate period of study culminating in the performance of a Fellowship of Isis Liturgy ritual. If the head of the center recognizes that a profound spiritual experience or manifestation of a spiritual or psychic gift takes place as a direct result of performance of the liturgy, a degree is awarded. Awarding of a degree is issued at the discretion of the head of the center.
Divine Awareness: Communion with the presence of the Goddess or the God in some form, usually involving a vision, trance or clairaudient message. This may take place during, or immediately after the enactment of an FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama by the FOI member who is working to attain a degree or initiate level. A certificate documenting that a degree or initiation level has been attained is issued by the Founder/Administrator of the FOI center in which the FOI member is a student. If Divine Awareness is attained without the aid of an FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama, it is termed a spontaneous spiritual awakening, a Mystical Initiation, for which no certificates are issued. Such an initiation is kept private. (see Divine Communion, Ritual Initiation)
Divine Communion: Communion with the presence of the Goddess or the God in some form, usually involving a vision, trance or clairaudient message. This may take place during, or immediately after the enactment of an FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama by the FOI member who is working to attain a degree or initiate level. A certificate documenting that a degree or initiation level has been attained is issued by the Founder/Administrator of the FOI center in which the FOI member is a student. If Divine Awareness is attained without the aid of an FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama, it is termed a spontaneous spiritual awakening, a Mystical Initiation, for which no certificates are issued. Such an initiation is kept private. (see Divine Awareness, Ritual Initiation)
Druid/Druidess: The designation for the member of a Druid Clan of Dana Grove who has attained the second grade (rituals 4,5,6) in a structured course of study. (see ArchDruidess, ArchDruid, Bard, Candidate, Consecration, Grade, Grove, Herenach)
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy: A series of books and booklets containing introductory materials and rituals written by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson. Olivia has acknowledged that all the liturgy written up to "Melusina, Life Centers of the Goddess" were a collaboration between herself and her brother, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson.
FOI Co-Founders: The three individuals who jointly founded the Fellowship of Isis at the Vernal Equinox in 1976; Olivia Robertson, her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and his wife, Pamela Durdin-Robertson.
FOI Foundation Centre: A term used to designate Clonegal Castle, which is the ancestral home of the family of two of the FOI co-founders, Olivia Robertson and Lawrence Durdin-Robertson. FOI Foundation Centre, or Clonegal Castle, is the site of the Temple of Isis, which consists of a series of altars, chapels and shrines located in the lower level of the castle. It was here that the FOI was founded by Olivia Robertson, her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and his wife Pamela Durdin-Robertson in 1976. Clonegal Castle is referred to as FOI Foundation Centre because it houses the Temple of Isis, which is the location of their original or 'founding' centre within the Fellowship of Isis. According to the wishes of the FOI co-founders, In matters relating to the FOI, the name "Clonegal Castle" is used. In mundane life, the castle is actually named "Huntington Castle." (see Clonegal Castle, Temple of Isis, Ireland)
Foundation Union: A term that may be applied to the ArchDruid Union, ArchPriesthood Union and Grand Commander Union which are the three Foundation Unions of the FOI Foundation Union Triad. These three Unions each consist of 32 physical members along with a mystical 33rd seat. They operate as custodians of the legacy of the Fellowship of Isis. Their level of operation, office of custodianship, format and scope of work for the Fellowship of Isis is exactly the same. (see FOI Foundation Union Triad, below)
FOI Foundation Union Triad: The three unions, each consisting of 32 physical members along with a mystical 33rd seat, which act as custodians of the legacy of the Fellowship of Isis. They are the ArchDruid Union, ArchPriesthood Union and Grand Commander Union. Their level of operation, office of custodianship, format and scope of work for the Fellowship of Isis is exactly the same. FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson envisioned them as a triad forming balance and harmony. (see Foundation Union, above)
FOI Member: (see Member of the FOI, below)
Four Basic Life Initiations: Olivia wrote that the following FOI Liturgy Rituals embody the Four Basic Life Initiations, corresponding to the four levels of the Coils of Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix. The names of these rituals correspond to the names of the four levels - Alma Mater (Physical), Flamma Vestae (Astral, Psychic), Porta Mystica (Spiritual) and Dulce Domum (Divine). They are found in the FOI Liturgy book "Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess." (see Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix, below)
Grades: In the Druid Clan of Dana and Noble Order of Tara the term ‘grade’ is used to designate various levels of attainment during a structured course of study within the DCD Grove or NOT Priory. In the ritual drama systems for these two branches of study, Grade 1 corresponds to rituals 1,2,3; Grade 2 corresponds to rituals 4,5,6; Grade 3 corresponds to rituals 7,8,9; Grade 4 to rituals 10,11,12. For Druid Clan of Dana see: ArchDruidess, ArchDruid, Bard, Candidate, Druid/Druidess, Consecration, Grove, Herenach. For Noble Order of Tara see: Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory.
Grand Commander Union: A group of 32 Grand Knight Commanders and Grand Dame Commanders. The Grand Commander Union was originally created by FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson in October of 2009. They act as Custodians of the Legacy of the Fellowship of Isis. The letters "O.T." follow/accompany the name of a Grand Commander Union member. Example: Olivia Robertson, O.T. (O.T. stands for "O Tara" which means "of Tara.") The Grand Commander Union joins the ArchPriesthood Union and ArchDruid Union of the Fellowship of Isis forming the FOI Foundation Union Triad.
Grand Dame Commander: The feminine designation for the fourth grade (rituals 10,11,12) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Grand Knight Commander: The masculine designation for the fourth grade (rituals 10,11,12) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Grove: The term used for a center within the Druid Clan of Dana. (see ArchDruidess, ArchDruid, Bard, Candidate, Druid/Druidess, Consecration, Grade, Herenach)
Guardian: A role implemented in some of the FOI Liturgy Dramas. The Guardian protects the sacred space during the ritual.
Guide: A role implemented in some of the FOI Liturgy Dramas. The Guide instructs the Candidate during the ritual.
Herenach: The designation for the third grade (rituals 7,8,9) in a structured course of study in a Druid Clan of Dana Grove. In the Irish Church, previous to the twelfth century, the name of an ecclesiastic having duties akin to those of an archdeacon; a lay superintendent of church lands; the hereditary warden of a church. “Herenach” comes from Irish airchinneach, and Old Irish airchinnech meaning chief man, principal, prince, leader. It derives from a(i)r (over) and ce(a)nn (head), equating with Welsh arbennig. (see ArchDruidess, ArchDruid, Bard, Candidate, Druid/Druidess, Consecration, Grade, Grove, Herenach)
Hierophant: “Hierophant” means one who “shows forth”. Hierophants of the College of Isis are also ordained, and are 4th Degree Magi of the College. Thus they are qualified to bring Candidates through the College of Isis Magi Degree Course.“ - Olivia Robertson, original FOI Handbook. In the College of Isis (Collegium Isidis) of the Fellowship of Isis, Hierophants have been previously ordained into the FOI Priesthood. Their vocation from the Goddess is to act as Teachers and Guides of the Mysteries. Their students are designated as Candidates and occasionally as Neophytes in the Magi Degree FOI Liturgy Ritual Dramas. A Hierophant has attained 4 Magi degrees through years of spiritual experiences and hard work in a Lyceum. Only a Hierophant may teach a Magi Degree course of study. A Hierophant is addressed as Reverend Hierophant. Example: Rev. H. Jane Doe, or it may be written as Jane Doe, Prs. H. (see College of Isis, Company of the Magi, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magi Degree, Magus, Priesthood)
Imperator: “This title, meaning Leader, Pioneer, is bestowed through consensus on those who face exceptional difficulties in their work for the Goddess and the Fellowship.” - Olivia Robertson, original FOI Handbook
Initiate: A member of an Iseum offering Adepti training, who has attained one or more Initiate Levels of the Adepti FOI Liturgy Ritual Dramas. Iseum Initiates and Iseum Adepti are dedicated to the Goddess in skilled specialties, offering a secular venue of service. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Iseum, Adepti Degrees, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty (or Specialties), Initiate Levels, Iseum Preceptor)
Initiate Levels: An Initiate Level is attained by a student in an Adepti Iseum course of study. When the student has achieved Divine Awareness due to performing an Adepti FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama a certificate is conferred by the Iseum Adept. When 4 Initiate Levels have been achieved and a special skilled area of service declared, the 4th Degree Initiate may be consecrated as an Adept. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Iseum, Adepti Degrees, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty (or Specialties), Divine Awareness, Initiate, Iseum Preceptor)
Initiation: (see Divine Awareness, Divine Communion, Initiate, Initiate Levels, above, and Ritual Initiation, Ritual Dramas, below)
Iseum: An Iseum is a “Hearth of the Goddess” around which the members draw strength, love and inspiration from one they accept as Mother. They are a family. The God is also given due honour. Each Iseum has its own magic, its own Divinity, and is dedicated to the Goddess, or the Goddess and God. The Goddess takes precedence in order to bring balance to our endangered earth, threatened by over-emphasis on male technology and power-games. The aims of every Iseum are inspired by the Deity invoked. The Founders need not be ordained.
Heads of Iseums may operate as Adepti, Alchemists, or Teachers who train others for the FOI Priest/esshood, if they have attained these levels of training and been duly initiated or ordained, and certified. Branches of study offered through Iseums include the Spiral of the Adepti and the Spiral of Alchemy. Degrees offered as a result of enactment of FOI Liturgy must be conferred by a Hierophant of the College of Isis, ordinations must be conducted by a Hierophant.
An Iseum is not required to offer courses of training or teaching. FOI members may join as many Iseums as they wish, but they can only study the Spiral of the Adepti or the Spiral of Alchemy in one Iseum at a time. Iseums may perform Fellowship of Isis rituals, celebrate the traditional seasonal holy days, such as Spring Equinox, Summer Solstice, Autumn Equinox and Winter Solstice, etc. They may offer services to the Goddess Community through supporting various causes, such as protection and welfare of animals, exploring various spiritual paths, creating environmental awareness and prayer or healing work. (see Adepti Iseum, Adepti Preceptor, Iseum Preceptor, Priest/Priest, Priest/Priesthood, Solar Alchemy Iseums)
Iseum Preceptor: The FOI Member who is Founder/Administrator of an Iseum and serves as a teacher. The Iseum Preceptor may be a member of the FOI Priesthood, or may be certified as an Adept, but not necessarily so. Any FOI member may found an Iseum. An Iseum Preceptor may be an Adept and offer Initiate Level degrees through a structured course of training. Or an Iseum Preceptor may be an ordained Priest or Priestess and offer Priest/Priestesshood training. Any degrees earned in an Iseum must be conferred by a Hierophant of a Lyceum of the College of Isis, ordination needs to be carried out by a Hierophant. “Preceptor” comes from Middle English, which in turn comes from Latin “praeceptor” derived from Latin “praecipere”, meaning ‘to teach.’ (see Adepti Preceptor, College of Isis Preceptor, Lyceum Preceptor)
Knight: The masculine designation for the first grade (rituals 1,2,3) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Knight Commander: The masculine designation for the third grade (rituals 7,8,9) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Lady of the Grael: The feminine designation for the second grade (rituals 4,5,6) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Lord of the Grael, Priory)
Lord of the Grael: The masculine designation for the second grade (rituals 4,5,6) in a structured course of study in a Noble Order of Tara Priory. (see Dame, Dame Commander, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Lady of the Grael, Priory)
Lyceum: A Lyceum is founded and administered by a Hierophant of the College of Isis. A Hierophant is a previously ordained member of the FOI Priest/Priestesshood who has attained 4 Magi Degrees through a structured course of study in a lyceum of the College of Isis. After consecration, the Hierophant founds his own lyceum. A Hierophant is required to offer training and a structured course of study in the Magi Degree FOI Liturgy Ritual Dramas.
There is no one particular established structure for the contents of a Lyceum study course. Each Lyceum offers a course of study that is brought through by inspiration from the Patron or Patroness Deity or Deities, making each training course unique to the particular Lyceum offering course work.
All Lyceums are paired with a Fellowship of Isis center called an Iseum. An Iseum is a Hearth of the Goddess, dedicated to a specific Patron or Patroness Deity or Deities. Iseums were the first FOI centers to be designated. A Lyceum, twinned with an Iseum, is therefore not only a teaching center within the Fellowship of Isis, it is also a Hearth of the Goddess. (see College of Isis, Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magi Degree, Magus)
Lyceum Preceptor: The Hierophant of a Lyceum in the College of Isis. A Hierophant is required to serve as a teacher and to offer a structured course of study in the Magi Degree FOI Ritual Liturgy Dramas. As an instructor the Lyceum Preceptor or Hierophant offers training to a student. An Lyceum Preceptor may offer in addition a Priest/Priestesshood training program. “Preceptor” comes from Middle English, which in turn comes from Latin “praeceptor” derived from Latin “praecipere”, meaning ‘to teach.’ (see Adepti Preceptor, College of Isis Preceptor, Iseum Preceptor, Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum, Maga, Magi, Magi Degree, Magus)
Maga: A female Fellowship of Isis member who has received one or more Magi Degree within a Lyceum of the College of Isis. (see College of Isis, Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum Preceptor, Magi, Magi Degree, Magus)
Magi: Plural for Magi and Magus, often referred to as the Company of the Magi in FOI Liturgy Ritual Dramas. (see College of Isis, Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi Degree, Magus)
Magi Degrees: A Magi Degree is attained by a student in a College of Isis Lyceum course of study. When the student has achieved Divine Awareness due to performing a Magi Degree FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama a degree is conferred by the Hierophant of the Lyceum. When 4 Magi Degrees have been achieved, the 4th Degree Maga or Magus of a Lyceum may be consecrated as a Hierophant in the College of Isis if desired. (see Company of the Magi, Divine Awareness, Hierophant, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magus)
Magus: A male Fellowship of Isis member who has received one or more Magi Degrees within a Lyceum of the College of Isis. (see College of Isis, Company of the Magi, Hierophant, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magi Degree)
Manifesto: From the Italian word manifesto, which is derived from Latin 'manifestus' meaning 'clear’ or ‘evident’ and 'manifestum' meaning to make 'clear’ or ‘evident’. A manifesto is a public declaration of principles and intentions, more often of a political nature. A manifesto may also be ‘life stance’ related, as in the case of the Fellowship of Isis. A ‘life stance manifesto’ is a declaration of what is of ultimate importance including belief, commitment and practice, and the manner in which they are carried out in daily living.
Member of the FOI: When an individual has read the FOI Manifesto and agreed with the principles presented within it, and has submitted membership information to an FOI Center, that person becomes a member of the Fellowship of Isis. FOI members may join and work in an FOI group or FOI center, or they may choose to work as a solitary. “Membership provides a means of promoting a closer communion between the Goddess and each member, both singly and as part of a larger group. There is also a communion experienced with Deities, spirit beings and all nature’s offspring. The Fellowship is organized on a democratic basis. All members have equal privileges within it, whether as a single member or part of a group.” - FOI Handbook. (see Solitary Practitioner)
Neophyte: A member who is working towards the first degrees or initiate levels within an FOI center. Neophyte is a Middle English form of Late Latin neophytus, which in turn comes from Greek neophytes, meaning literally ‘newly planted’. In the College of Isis, the Candidate takes on the role of Neophyte in some of the Magi Degree Liturgy Dramas in the earlier stages of training. (see Company of the Magi, Divine Awareness, Hierophant, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor, Maga, Magi, Magi Degrees, Magus)
Oracle: Usually the oracle is given through a priestess and this is the case in the FOI Liturgy ritual dramas. The oracle priestess gives a spoken message from the invoked Goddess during a ritual.
Ordination: Rite of Ordination is the culminating ritual of a structured course of study towards becoming a member of the Priest/Priestesshood of the Fellowship of Isis. The study can be offered through an Iseum which is headed by a member of the Priest/Priesthood or through a Lyceum. (see Iseum, Lyceum, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood)
Practitioner: A role sometimes designated for participants in FOI Liturgy Ritual Dramas. The definition of 'Practitioner' is "someone who performs or works repeatedly with polish and skill, someone who has achieved a recognized level of competence." The word 'practitioner' is a modification of ‘practician’, from Old French ‘practicien‘, from ‘practiser‘, meaning ‘to practice.’
Priest/Priestess: An FOI member who has undergone a structured program of study and training (9 months to 2 years) and has been ordained by a member of the FOI Priest/Priestesshood using the FOI Ordination Rite. Ordination may be performed in person or through attunement. Vocation to the FOI Priest/Priestesshood involves a voluntary acceptance of work taken on to further the Divine Plan of a particular Goddess or Goddess and God. This can involve dedication of one‘s daily work, or projects taken on in addition to or exclusive of one‘s daily work. All members of the Priest/Priestesshood may use the prefix "The Reverend." Example: Rev. Jane Doe. Priesthood through the Fellowship of Isis does not convey legal ministerial status. For legal status as an FOI Priestess or Priest please see entry for Temple of Isis Geyserville, below. (see Iseums, Lyceums, Ordination, Priests/Priestesseshood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy, Temple of Isis Ireland, Temple of Isis Geyserville)
Priest Alchemist/Priestess Alchemist: (see Spiral of Alchemy, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy, Priesthood)
Priesthood: Priestesses and Priests of the Fellowship of Isis. The FOI Priest/Priestesshood is hereditary in source, through the family of two of the co-founders of the Fellowship of Isis, Olivia Durdin-Robertson and her late brother, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson. The right to establish a line of Isian priests and priestesses comes to Lawrence and Olivia Durdin-Robertson through their direct descent from a family who can claim descent from the Egyptian Princess Scota, the daughter of the Pharaoh Cincris and legendary Queen of the Scots. (see Iseums, Lyceums, Ordination, Priests/Priestesses, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy)
Priory: The term used for a center within the Noble Order of Tara. (see Candidate, Consecration, Dame, Dame Commander, Grade, Grand Dame Commander, Grand Knight Commander, Knight, Knight Commander, Lady of the Grael, Lord of the Grael)
Ritual Dramas: The FOI Liturgy Ritual Dramas of the Fellowship of Isis. Different rituals have been assigned to the various branches within the Fellowship of Isis. They are placed in a ritual key of correspondences on the Star of Ishtar diagram according to each branch of study.
Ritual Initiation: Communion with the presence of the Goddess or the God in some form, usually involving a vision, trance or clairaudient message. This may take place during, or immediately after the enactment of an FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama by the FOI member who is working to attain a degree or initiate level. A certificate documenting that a degree or initiation level has been attained is issued by the Founder/Administrator of the FOI center in which the FOI member is a student. If Divine Awareness is attained without the aid of an FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama, it is termed a spontaneous spiritual awakening, a Mystical Initiation, for which no certificates are issued. Such an initiation is kept private. (see Divine Awareness, Divine Communion)
Solar Alchemy: A course of study for the Priest/Priesthood of the Fellowship of Isis. Olivia wrote: "The Spiral of Alchemy is provided for those Priestesses and Priests who wish to learn and then train others into the deep inner work of the Priesthood. You bring to life the inner Star of Isis and Her Inner Sun which lies buried within each one of us, and within All that Is." This course of study is designed for those Priestesses and Priests who wish to follow a path of spiritual development without having to be involved with the College of Isis or the Spiral of the Adepti. It allows for those in the FOI Priesthood who prefer to develop personal transformation through spiritual practices of their own - which better enables them to help others. (see Alchemy Degree, Candidate, Ordination, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood, Priest Alchemist, Priestess Alchemist, Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemy Degree, Solar Alchemist)
Solar Alchemy Degree: An Alchemy Degree is attained by a student in a Solar Iseum of Alchemy course of study. When the student has achieved Divine Awareness due to performing an Alchemy Degree FOI Liturgy Ritual Drama, a degree is conferred by the Solar Alchemist who is Preceptor of the Solar Alchemy Iseum. When 4 Solar Alchemist Degrees have been achieved, the 4th Degree Alchemist may be consecrated as a Solar Alchemist. This branch of study is for previously ordained FOI Priest/Priestesshood members only. (see Candidate, Ordination, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood, Priest Alchemist, Priestess Alchemist, Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy)
Solar Alchemist: A member of the FOI Priest/Priestesshood who has completed an Alchemical course of study is titled a Solar Alchemist, or Priest or Priestess of Alchemy. They found and head a Solar Iseum. When 4 Solar Alchemist Degrees have been achieved, the 4th Degree Alchemist may be consecrated as a Solar Alchemist. (see Candidate, Ordination, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood, Priest Alchemist, Priestess Alchemist, Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemy Degree, Solar Iseum of Alchemy)
Solar Iseum of Alchemy: Solar Iseums of Alchemy offer teaching within two series of Spiral of Alchemy liturgy rites. These Spirals of Alchemy were created to help members of the FOI Priest/Priestesshood chart their spiritual progress once they are ordained. (see Alchemy Degree, Candidate, Ordination, Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood, Priest Alchemist, Priestess Alchemist, Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemy Degree, Solar Alchemist)
Solitary Practitioner: A Fellowship of Isis member who works as a solitary. The rituals in “Maya: Goddess Rites for Solo Use“ are recommended. The definition of 'Practitioner' is "someone who performs or works repeatedly with polish and skill, someone who has achieved a recognized level of competence." The word 'Practitioner' is a modification of ‘practician’, from Old French ‘practicien‘, from ‘practiser‘, meaning ‘to practice.’ Olivia wrote: “A solitary member sitting in a bed-sitting room or in a public park, may attain the beauty of communion with the Goddess.” And another passage from Olivia states: “Membership provides a means of promoting a closer communion between the Goddess and each member, both singly and as part of a larger group. There is also a communion experienced with Deities, spirit beings and all nature’s offspring. The Fellowship is organized on a democratic basis. All members have equal privileges within it, whether as a single member or part of a group.” - FOI Handbook. (see Member of the FOI)
Spiral of the Adepti: The Adepti Degree FOI Liturgy Rituals, also refers to the Adepti in the Fellowship of Isis. (see Adept, Adepti, Adepti Degrees, Adepti Preceptor, Adepti Specialty, Candidate, Consecration, Iseum, Iseum Adept, Iseum Preceptor, Initiate, Initiate Levels)
Spiral of Alchemy: The Alchemy Degree FOI Liturgy Rituals. Solar Iseums of Alchemy offer teaching within two series of Spiral of Alchemy liturgy rites. (see Alchemy Degree, Candidate, Ordination, Priest Alchemist, Priestess Alchemist, Priesthood, Solar Alchemy, Solar Alchemist, Solar Iseum of Alchemy)
Sponsor: The FOI Preceptor who sponsors the Candidate for ordination, consecration, initiation. (see Candidate, Adepti Preceptor, Hierophant, Iseum, Iseum Preceptor, Lyceum, Lyceum Preceptor)
Star of Ishtar: The full name of the Star of Ishtar is "The Star of Ishtar and the Web of the Universe and the Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix Diagram". It is also known as "The Fellowship of Isis Star of Life". The Star of Ishtar is The Fellowship of Isis Liturgy Ritual Drama Correspondences Diagram.
The Diagram of the Cosmic Web was given through inspiration to Olivia Robertson. It illustrates the emanation of Life from the Divine Matrix, Womb of the Goddess, and the Path of Return thereto with harvest of attainments. The spiral path to and from the Matrix is non-dualistic: it shows that the Divine Plan includes both the In-breathing and Out-breathing of the Cosmic Life Force. The spiral coils of Tiamat relate to Space and Extension, the Path of pluralist Awareness. The four coils represent the Physical-Etheric, Astral-Psychic, Spiritual and Divine Spheres around the Matrix. The gradations are as subtle as those of the Rainbow.
The focused Rays of the Star of Ishtar refer to Time and Measurement. The eight rays of the Star represents seven Cosmic Rays. 0 refers to a previous spiral, and 8 the higher octave begins a further spiral beyond. They bring Enlightenment through concentration. Therefore the Candidate using rites on the diagram should choose them in the order most helpful to his or her own chosen Path. (see Cosmic Web, Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix, Web of the Universe)
Temple of Isis, Geyserville: Originally a Lyceum in the Fellowship of Isis, the Founder/Administrator, Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne, AU, was able to transform her lyceum into a legally recognized venue to obtain legal minister status for the FOI Priest/Priestesshood. Olivia refers to the Temple of Isis in Geyserville as the “Legal Branch of the Fellowship of Isis." (see Priest/Priestess, Priest/Priestesshood)
Temple of Isis, Ireland: Clonegal Castle is the ancestral home of two of the FOI co-founders, Lady Olivia Robertson and her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, Baron of Strathloch. It is the location of the Fellowship of Isis Founders Centre. Situated in a lower level of the castle is the Temple of Isis, which contains many Goddess shrines. This is the location of the first FOI rituals and the High Altar, where so many ordinations and consecrations were held. According to the wishes of the FOI co-founders, In matters relating to the FOI, the name "Clonegal Castle" is used. In mundane life, the castle is actually named "Huntington Castle." (see FOI Foundation Centre, Clonegal Castle)
Three Mundane Facts of Life: Olivia wrote that the following FOI Liturgy Rituals embody the three mundate facts of life: Rite of Rebirth (birth), Ordination (life’s work) and The Isis Wedding Rite (marriage, partnership, right relations). These three rituals are each presented in three separate liturgy booklets which are titled "Rite of Rebirth", "Ordination of Priestesses and Priests", and "The Isis Wedding Rite".
Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix: The spiraled coils of Tiamat that form the four levels on the Star of Ishtar diagram. These four levels representing Space and Four Levels of Being: (1) Alma Mater, Physical (2) Flamma Vestae, Astral or Psychic (3) Porta Mystica, Spiritual and (4) Dulce Domum, Divine, are intersected by the eight rays of the Star of Ishtar. (see Star of Ishtar, above)
Title: Titles are earned through a course of study and ritual through an FOI teaching center. All titles are merely designations of work voluntarily taken on to further the Divine Plan of the Goddess or the Goddess and the God. They are not designations of status.
Vocation: A Vocation is a particular work or service that a member is called to by Deity. This work is voluntarily taken on to further the Divine Plan of the Goddess or the Goddess and the God. (see Adept, Lyceum, Hierophant, Priest/Priestesses, Priest/Priesthood, Title)
Web of the Universe: "The Star of Ishtar" and the "Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix" together form the Web of the Universe. (see Cosmic Web, Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix and Star of Ishtar, above)
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