Noble Order of Tara - Coursework Basis
The Guidelines and materials presented in the Noble Order of Tara section on this site are based upon the practices of FOI Co-Founders Olivia Robertson and her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in their Priory of Tara of 108 Names, Clonegal Castle, Ireland.
The Guidelines for coursework are as outlined in the original Rite of Admittance into an NOT Priory as a Dame/Knight Commander:
“Tara and Lugh: Ordeal of the Danaan Treasures”
From the FOI Liturgy booklet “Gaea, Initiations of the Earth”
Written by Olivia Robertson
These Guidelines were reviewed and approved by Olivia Robertson, Nesu House, Geyserville, California, Tuesday, October 11, 2011.
The name of the Goddess Tara, can be found in the place names of hills, stones, mountains, rivers, streams from Ireland across continental Europe, southward to Italy and to Greece, into Siberia, Tibet, India, China and Japan. In Finland She is known as Tar. Her Five Forms have been compared by Olivia Robertson to the five elements - earth, air, fire, water and ether.
Tar, Tor, Tower, Tora, Tara. In Sanskrit Her name is Târâ, meaning star. This star name of Tara forms the base or root for other terms in Sanskrit meaning 'to traverse' or 'cross over', 'pupil of the eye', 'point' or 'focus'. Her divine essence, a point of light that crests hill, mountain and sacred stone - light that plays upon the rivers and streams - the waters of life that course through the earth. Tara manifests in those places where earth meets heaven.
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