Isis - Isidis Magnae Deorum Matris


Magnæ Deorum Matris

Apuleiana Descriptio

The Goddess Isis by Athanasius Kircher, from Oedipus Aegyptiacus


Great Mother of the Gods

Described by Apuleius

Athanasius Kircher, from his work "Oedipus Aegyptiacus"

Published 1652-1654

Translation, left panel: Translation, right panel:

The various names of Isis. Explanations of the symbols of Isis.

Isis A. Divinity, the world, the celestial orbs

Minerva BB. Way of the Moon, its fluxes, and all forces of


Venus CC. Tutulus, the force of the Moon on herbs and plants.

Iuno D. Symbol of Ceres, Isis, the first ears of corn.

Proserpina E. Multicolored garment of fine linen, many formed

faces of the Moon

Ceres F. The discovery of Corn

Diana G. Dominion of all vegetation

Rhea seu Tellus H. Lunar Rays

(Rhea or Earth) I. Spirit of the Nile, adversary of evil

Pessinuncia K. Increments and decrements of the Moon

Rhramnusia L. Moisture. The force of the Moon

Bellona M. The force of the Moon, Victory and the Divine force

Hecate N. Dominion of moisture and the sea

Luna O. Symbol of the earth, first inventor of medicine

Polymorphus dæmon P. Fecundity, which waters the land.

(Spirit of Many Forms) Q. Lady of the Stars

R. Nurse of All

S/M. Lady of land, air and sea

Note: The use of the word ‘dæmon’ during this time period referred to a protective spirit.

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