About This Site

The Star Nunki

Voice of the Sea

A copy of the original announcement of publication of the official Fellowship of Isis Central website, is provided below for archival purposes. An explanation of our copyright notice and website content as approved by Olivia Robertson, Fellowship of Isis co-founder, is also provided on this page.

Our original site name was Circle of Isis, but Olivia Robertson requested we change it to Fellowship of Isis Central in December, 2008. The announcement contains our former (now defunct) url.

To the Fellowship of Isis Community

A new Fellowship of Isis website:

Saturday, November 19, 2005

A new website for the Circle of Isis has been published to the internet. You are cordially invited to view the site at:


Circle of Isis members have assisted in the typing of the FOI Liturgy, and in the creation, editing and proof-reading of our new website pages, a project we eventually named O.S.I.R.I.S.

Special acknowledgement is extended to Barbara Westlake and Kasey Conder for freely sharing their beautiful photography, and to Linda Iles for her illustrations of the Star of Ishtar, based on the original drawing by Chesca Potter.

We also wish to express our gratitude to Lady Olivia Robertson, ArchPriestess and FOI co-founder, for her untiring enthusiasm, support and assistance.

An hour after sunset tonight in the southwestern portion of the sky, Venus is visible near the fixed star Nunki in the constellation of Sagittarius. Nunki is “The Star of the Proclamation of the Sea” and the “Voice from the Sea” because this star provides direction and guidance, and is “a star directly seeded by the center of the galaxy…directly connected to the nexus of wisdom and awareness” emanating from the galactic center. It is here that all creative forces originate, “stimulating a new contextual view, a new idea, or a remembrance of an old idea now brought into form in a new way.” *

May the Starry Wings of Isis guide us all on our journeys,

Linda Iles

Honorary Secretary

Circle of Isis


A New Aeon, and a new site/location on the web for Fellowship of Isis Central. FOI Olivia felt this necessitated a new charter for Fellowship of Isis Central. She has referred to the site as the Central Hearth of the Fellowship of Isis on the web several times by letter, now it is included in our new charter. Thank you Olivia! Olivia writes: "As Fellowship of Isis Central is the Central Global site for the FOI it is not affiliated with one single venue - although it operates under the aegis of Temple of Isis, Geyserville, it serves the FOI worldwide."

Publishing Rights for Works

Written by FOI Co-Founder Lawrence Durdin-Robertson

Received from Minette Quick, Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid, Ireland

On Behalf of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson & Alexander Durdin-Robertson

May 24, 2011

Alexander Durdin-Robertson, the copyright owner of Lawrence Durdin-Robertson's work, has agreed to allow publication of his books on the same terms as her own.

From FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson

via Minette Quick, Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Brigid, Ireland

Received April 10, 2011

The Following Global Sites:

Fellowship of Isis Central

Fellowship of Isis Homepage Archive

FOI Germany

Star of Elen

Are Authorized To:

1. Publish the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy

2. Publish all of Olivia Robertson’s writings

3. Publish all of Olivia’s recordings (as liturgy tapes, CDs)

4. FOI manuals and handbook

5. Excerpts from Lawrence Durdin-Robertson’s work

Received July 19, 2011:

As previously stated, all Global FOI sites have permission to publish the work of my brother Lawrence Durdin Robertson on their websites with the proviso that they do not charge money for access to his work.

Notice from Olivia Robertson

16th April, 2011

Copyright in usual legal terms belongs to any Global Site that publishes FOI material in print form, this includes translation. Royalties 10% go to Olivia Robertson for FOI expenses. On her decease the Royalties go to the publishers.

About Our Copyright Notice and Website Content

The management of Fellowship of Isis Central has been authorized by Lady Olivia Robertson to publish the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy in full on the Fellowship of Isis Central website. Her instructions concerning the functioning and content of Fellowship of Isis Central were most explicit.

The FOI Liturgy as it appears on this website is the product of many years of research and a period of just over one year spent in typing out the final drafts of the rituals. The content of the FOI Liturgy as it appears on this site contains previously unpublished corrections to the original liturgy texts and an altered format. This altered format does not affect the wording of the rituals. All the contents of the FOI Liturgy on the Fellowship of Isis Central website have been personally viewed, approved and authorized by Lady Olivia Robertson. All the contents of the other pages on the Fellowship of Isis Central website have been personally viewed, approved and authorized by Lady Olivia Robertson.

The letter below was written by Olivia at Isis Oasis after reviewing the last of the corrections, edits and revisions, prior to the publishing of the Circle of Isis (now Fellowship of Isis Central) website on November 19, 2005.

Olivia Robertson stated she has shared copyright of the FOI Liturgy with other FOI members over the years in order to further the mission of the Fellowship of Isis. She has never signed over sole copyright/ownership of the entire Fellowship of Isis Liturgy. She has given permission for use of the entire liturgy to the official FOI central websites, the FOI HomePage and the Fellowship of Isis Central Website, which feature the liturgy online as a service to all members. This is why our copyright notice is worded as it is on the website.

Due to the corrections, altering of format and all other proofing, research, typing, editing and revisions, the FOI Liturgy presented on Fellowship of Isis Central is considered by law, a legally separate work, thus protected by a separate, legal copyright.

Because the FOI liturgy on the Fellowship of Isis Central website is legally protected by a separate copyright, is therefore not included in any sharing of copyright of the liturgy that Olivia Robertson may decide to extend to other FOI members.

All content on Fellowship of Isis Central website, including written materials, photos and the liturgy are protected by copyright and not to be reproduced without first acquiring permission from the website management. Permission is only obtained through unanimous vote by members of the website management.

Fellowship of Isis Central extends thanks and appreciation to those FOI members who participated in the typing of the FOI Liturgy and in the creation, editing and proof-reading of our new website pages, a project we eventually named O.S.I.R.I.S. Special acknowledgement is extended to Caroline Wise, Johnny Merron and Steve Wilson for archival information, Johnny Merron, Barbara Westlake, Kasey Conder and Renee Samaniego-Lundy for freely sharing their beautiful photography, to Starsheen for sharing a first edition copy of the FOI Liturgy book "Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess," and a written account of the FOI Tarot Reading, and to Linda Iles for her illustrations of the Star of Ishtar, based on the original drawing by Chesca Potter. We also thank Linda Iles for researching, proofreading and typing out the FOI liturgy that appears on this website. We deeply thank Paulina Brianu and Dr. Gina Pollaro for technical advice.

We also wish to express our gratitude to FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson, for her untiring enthusiasm, support and assistance. We thank her for the artwork and photos she has sent for use on Fellowship of Isis Central.


January 4, 2009

Copyright Information


FOI co-founder Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson

FOI Foundation Centre, Clonegal Castle, Ireland

Issued on Her Behalf by the Honorary Secretary of the Circle of Brigid

To All Global Central Websites of the Fellowship of Isis:

Fellowship of Isis Central, Star of Elen, FOI Germany


FOI HomePage Archive (Formerly FOI HomePage)

In addition to permission given to publish her work, The Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson's copyright is shared by David Durdin-Robertson and his son, Alexander Durdin-Robertson and his heirs.


Extension of Copyright of Olivia Robertson's Works

to Circle of Brigid, Ireland

Received July 10, 2010

I, Olivia Robertson, have extended copyright of my works to ensure that the aims and ideals of the Fellowship of Isis are available to as many people as possible worldwide. With this in mind I have given copyright of my works to the Circle of Brigid, Ireland, in the care of the Honorary Secretary representing the fundamental principles of the Fellowship of Isis.

- Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis, 10th July, 2010


Extension of Publication Rights to Works by Olivia Robertson

and Isian News

Received October 12, 2010

Notice from Olivia Robertson. For a long time I have wished to hand over the publication of my books from my own amateur efforts (a lot of work!) to other members. Minette Quick sees to my publications in Ireland. Now I am very happy to announce that I am giving the right to publish all my books and pictures to Isis-House Publishing of ArchPriestess deTraci Regula.

Of course Connia Silver’s manuals, booklet of my pictures and her DVD recordings of the ritual tapes will continue to be on sale through her. As will the much appreciated DVDs and other works of Cathryn Anne Rogers, also the Archives and Directories of Deena Hartray Butta and the arrangements with Caroline Wise for publication of the liturgy and my other works and past arrangements with Linda Iles, Loreon Vigne and deTraci Regula for publication of the liturgy and my other works. Past issues of Isian News produced by Caroline Wise and Connia Silver can be ordered. And now the rights of course belong to the Most Rev. Linda Iles, the present publisher of Isian News. My family still have the right to publish and to sell my work from Clonegal Castle.

FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson sent a new charter dated February 9th, 2013. FOI Central originally operated under the aegis of the Temple of Isis in Geyserville. Because the site operates as the central FOI website and publishes Isian News and books for the Fellowship of Isis, Olivia felt it best that we were not officially connected to one specific FOI related venue, but operated wholly on a neutral, all inclusive basis.

For more information on our copyright please visit:

About This Website

Our Copyright

FOI Liturgy Copyright and Corrections

Circle of Isis

Olivia Robertson's Online Log

Back to An Index to this Website

*Information on the Star Nunki from Cayelin K. Castell's "Celestial Timings"
