Fellowship of Isis - Oracles of the Seasons
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Oracles of the Seasons
FOI Members Attunements by Meditation
Oracles Given to FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson
According to the Seasons and Rays of the Star of Ishtar
Oracles for 2023
Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy
by Olivia Robertson
Part II. The Star of Ishtar. Eight Seasonal Festivals
Festival of Wesak
Beltaine. 1st - 2nd May
Ritual no. 7
Priestess: (Invocation) O Great Goddess, Mother of the Trimurti, the Holy Trinity, soul of every being, how can we extol Thee? By Thee even Mahadeva, the Almighty God is put into trance that He may make worlds. Thou art Maha-Sarasvati, Maha-Lakshmi, Maha-Parvati. Triple Goddess, guide us on our path to Enlightenment that we may awaken into eternal bliss.
Oracle: Look within your Self and you will find the Light of Truth, Buddhi, the Jewel within the Heart of the Lotus. Invisible it is and yet shineth in every creature. It is the dewdrop hanging from a blade of grass: it sparkles in the eyes of eagles and fast-flying swallows: it flows in rushing rivers and rests in rocky snow-capped mountains. The bliss of Nirvana is not in the past nor the future: so no vain regrets nor ambitious struggles in religious practices will bring it to you. No strivings for the reputation of saintliness can ensure your awareness. Rather it is in the moment that Eternity rests, awaiting you in a smile, sudden laughter, tears of compassion. If you could experience one second of enlightenment, it would be yours for ever! Time slips by like a passing landscape to the traveller, who appears to journey with it. But in reality the true Self is at rest at the hub of the turning wheel of life. Place yourself at the centre of this hub in total awareness, and you will be in a position of strength to control each of your lives as they revolve in cyclic reincarnations.
True knowledge brings good feeling, thought and activity. Control is essential. Yet how can you control yourself in alignment with your true Self, if you are swayed by passing passions? Free Will is to be earned not by extreme asceticism nor by selfish indulgence. It is attained by continual exercise of conscious choice between good and wrong behaviour. As you develop, you will observe that the choices both become more difficult and more subtle. Rejoice then, for you draw nearer to Self-realisation! if you could live for one minute in a truthful, compassionate manner, you would transform your day and your year and your life!
Do not strive for too much: otherwise you will reach for the stars and fall upon your face! Rather combine spiritual practices with an enjoyment of Mother Earth. It is pious to memorise the myriad Names and Attributes of the Gods and Goddesses: it is also good to remember the names of your neighbours and their children, and to respect the attributes of animals, birds and plants! As I am the Universal Mother, these are your brothers and sisters and children. The mind conveys knowledge: intuition and conscience combined with experience produces wisdom.
I am without: I am within: I am the Lover and the Beloved: I am the Knower and the Known: I am the Harmony that reconcileth all things. Know Me.
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Panthea, Initiations and Festivals of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy
by Olivia Robertson
Part II. The Star of Ishtar. Eight Seasonal Rites
Festival of Astarte and Adonis
Ritual no. 8
Priestess: (Invocation) Divine Astarte, Queen of Heaven, Virgin of the Sea, we invoke Thee! Thou Who art Venus Urania, Goddess of Fertility and Love, replenish our hungry earth. Bring us hidden knowledge for our use from past aeons, Who art Mother of the Titans.
Oracle: Restlessly you look backwards and forwards in time and outwards to the stars for a world of power and love, whereas it is all around you now! The lost Paradise is as near as head and heart and is enjoyed by children and simple people living in woods and wild pastures. The gifts of the Tree of life shine within the earth and within each creature. Yet you have lost the Power to use them. For experiment as you will with the forces known to your five senses, the greater part of the physical world, the Etheric Plane, is lost to you! Yet it is from there that all health and energy come. Etheric Power comes from greater planes to animate the earth and your own bodies, through the Power Centres within the earth and yourselves. In Paradise the felled forest still stands and the parched river beds flow with life bringing waters. Nature Spirits enjoy the lovely land of Ether which is visited by beings from beyond the sun and by the Adepti.
You can have little real effect on earth through dreaming in the astral realm of gentle love and beauty, until you can understand and experience the etheric part of the physical plane. It is from thence that Apparitions of the Goddess manifest to Saints and the Gods show themselves to Hermits. From that plane miracles are mightily manifested through the Life Force which animates all existences on earth. Yet this very part of the physical world may be a place of fear to you when your souls leave your bodies on death. Not understanding its true nature, the etheric realm may become a limbo for earthbound spirits. However, know that any evil force in this realm is very Transient because it cannot subsist there on its own, but has to draw its existence from plasm produced by unpleasant emotions. But force for good can exist there because it draws its Power from Spheres of Light and Power.
Every day a dawn and dusk each of you should become aware of your own etheric Body of light, with its many-coloured centres and flowing lines of life force. Pray to Me to help you, for I am Mistress both of the rising Earth Force and of the descending Light emanating from greater planes. When these two forces meet within yourself, Love and Truth are one in Harmony and you will attain Illumination. Even in your first attempts you should gain health and happiness, understanding and a kindly love for all. As you progress you will become a beacon Light for all who accept your rays of goodness.
Each woman can be her own original manifestation of the Goddess: and every man individually should show forth the God. But first you must surrender selfishness and arrogance. Be receptive with humility to the Deities, and then you yourselves can give forth the Light.
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2022
Isis of Alchemy, Transformation Through the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
The Emerald Pylon of Jupiter
The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy
Ritual no. 4
Invocation: Mighty Goddess Sekhmet, Who with Your Inner Sun bestows life blood throughout the universe, help us to transmute our passions into Your Divine Gold.
Oracle: You need gold to create gold. But however hard you try, you will not attain the Inner Sun by ministering to your own ambition. An obsession to be a Spiritual Leader works in reverse. In digging for such fools' gold, you dig your own grave. To gaze directly on the earthly sun blinds you. But it is far more dangerous to steal the rays of the Inner Sun. Spiritual blindness is the punishment.
How then may the seeker attain the goal of Divine Awareness? The answer is simple. Watch shadows! My Gold is not to be seized upon by greedy hands, but shows itself in humble places. It reveals its loveliness in the sound of doves in a wood: moonlight on a pool; cubs playing in their earth. My Nature has its hidden symbols to guide you on your way.
Discover the Inner Sun in those who seem devoid of goodness. It is easy to accept yourself, hard to appreciate the treasure concealed in others whom you find repellent. Most people condemn wrong doers. But the Spiritual Alchemist uncovers good in someone obsessed by evil. Honour such hidden splendour and you yourselves will shine forth as stars!
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
Isis of Alchemy, Transformation Through the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
The Topaz Pylon of Mercury
The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy
Ritual no. 3
Invocation: I invoke the Goddess Radha, eighth Daughter of the Goddess Lakshmi. You Who are, the Divine Bride of the God Krishna, help us to bring harmony between men and women, so that we may save the earth from pollution by mankind.
Oracle: When you invoke the Goddess, you may not succeed unless you awaken the Goddess within yourself! This divine awakening has its dangers: you may develop arrogance, ambition and loneliness. Men and women dread separation; yet this comes when consciousness expands beyond the usual. The ego-driven Initiate craves for companionship. But this very longing can lead either to domination or subservience. And both these modes inhibit love.
This abuse of relationship extends to human treatment of animals. These are exploited and cruelly treated: but are also adored as substitute children, weakening wild creatures into "pets".
Most amusing of all, you treat Us whom you label "Gods and Goddesses" in the same way! We who try to help your progress towards true humanity are either worshipped by contemptible obsequiousness - prostrations and sacrifices - or we are ordered around by legally-framed prayers, tying us to "promises" we are alleged to have made to your ancestors.
Find the wild child within each of you. For that inner Being, so friendly, so enquiring, so courageous, is the Divinity that aspires to the stars.
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Isis of Alchemy, Transformation Through the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
The Amber Pylon of Venus
The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy
Ritual no. 2
Invocation: Mysterious Atlanta, Goddess of lost worlds, Who like a comet unites all spheres in glorious harmony, bring us inspiration that we may create beauty around us.
Oracle: Fly with Me above past, present and future, and gaze down upon the landscape of Eternity! This is the new aeon of cosmic consciousness. Each of you chose to be born at this time of the great awakening. We whom you call the Immortals summon the Divine hidden within each soul. Animals and birds: trees, earth and sea respond.
Through the gateway of dreams you shall reap the harvest of past and future lives, and gain the seeds of your own Divinity. The limitations of the human brain have restricted you from rising above the duality of good and its shadow, evil. Your heritage is love and happiness. Do not fear evil. All that is ugly, cruel and distorted dissipates into nothingness - because it is ignored ... there is no evil in Heaven. Only the Divine belongs there.
You shall with brave hearts explore the spiritual realms of the stars, and dream in black space. You will encircle many-coloured planets and discover the lovers who await you. And when you have had your fill of enjoyment, then is the time for you to join with Us in Our work of creation. You shall help Us weave the tapestry of the stars, and form a dewdrop in one small flower.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
The Ruby Pylon of Mars
Isis of Alchemy
The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy
Ritual no. 1
Invocation: Holy Sun Goddess, Amaterasu No Kami, supreme ruler of our planets, Bringer of life to all living creatures, help us to use your power unselfishly, so that we may restrict our Egos to serving others.
Oracle: This is an ambitious prayer – to leave your spiritual childhood prematurely! My friends, do not dwarf your Egos. Without your unique human souls my planetary family would be the poorer. Only by fulfilling your individuality, your eccentricities, can you develop naturally. Cosmic consciousness is the goal but not the childhood of your evolution. You inhibit your growth by frustrating your creativity. Each planet and each snowflake is different. So are you.
When I hid My Light in the cave of black space, it was the Madcap Goddess Ame No Uzume Who alone among the Deities drew Me forth to shine once more. How? By causing laughter through Her absurd dance! Endless liturgies have no interest for Me. Repetition dulls the mind. Do not imitate others – even Gods and Goddesses, Masters of the Wisdom – sundry Spirit Guides. Adore – but do not surrender. Worship can alienate the being so adored. Do not walk even in a lover’s footsteps. Love can only thrive between equals.
Now is the time in this new Aeon for each of you to co-create with the Deities. Do not be ashamed of making mistakes: these bring experience. Reveal with courage your innate powers! For My Sun-blood flows through each of you and through every being of My solar family. Its circulation unites each player in the Divine Dream of Unfolding Deity.
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2021
Sphinx, Goddess Myths and Mysteries
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy
VI. Uranus: The Coming Forth by Day
Invocation: Winged Isis, Daughter of Nut of the Stars and Geb of our Earth, as you raised Osiris from the dead, bring us to eternal life.
Oracle of the Winged Isis: How you dreaming souls long for the stars! Yet the encircling stars are within your own bodies, which are not to be despised. It is only by honouring the dullest, most opaque physical matter that you may safely attain the soul's flight. For although many attain spiritual purity, and sing with the Sons and Daughters of Light in everlasting realms of beauty, yet to uncover your own innate divinity, you require the heights and the depths; light and darkness, passion and purity. Know that I and My Sister Hathor, the Cow Goddess, are One. We are both within your souls.
Invocation: Horus of the Rising Sun, whose Piercing Eye sees into every heart: Divine Consort of the Goddess Hathor, bring us courage and determination to win the Crown of Life.
Oracle of the Winged Horus: I can only aid you to achieve the goal of your life, if you know what it is! Before you sleep at night, pray that your questing soul may find out the true meaning of your life on earth. Ask that in your awakening you will remember. Then you will arise with joy at the rising sun, as I do. During the day you will be inspired to achieve your purpose, inspired by seeming miracles. For day and night are part of a whole. You will be illuminated by your hidden glory. I am One with my Father Osiris and My Mother Isis. Discover Us within your hearts.
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
Priestess: (Invocation) Divine Maya, Goddess Whose Body shines like a copper sun across limitless space, bring us beauty and immortality.
Oracle: Beauty is immortal and those who love beauty bring their souls to spiritual rebirth. The music of the stars echoes in every atom of your bodies. When your body, soul and spirit are in harmony with the heavens, you yourselves become part of the symphony of eternal life. Eternal life is not a continuation of restless activity, whether of thought or feeling. It is not an endless plodding round the cyclic aeons. Everlasting life brings deep peace as well as movement; darkness as well as light; and silence as well as sound.
Follow then the practice of the stars if you would find the still centre of the Great Spirit within yourselves. Stars start as swirling dust and grow and become mighty: but when the time comes, they enter the abyss of My darkness and are reborn in another sphere. So seek deep sleep, because in that sleep you awaken into other spheres of being.
The mystery of Time is that there are many times and spaces, and as you grow in experience and wisdom, you will learn to enjoy these many-faceted heavens. For time is not a continuance, a progression, a ladder. Rather it is a spiral, and each twist of the spiral forms a different Space-Time Heaven. And yet all these Space-Time Heavens are one in infinity. Therefore strike a note in one sphere, and you resonate with other space-time spheres. You will experience these simultaneously in your various psychic and spiritual "bodies".
You can teach this even to a child. Fold a piece of paper many times, say thirteen. Pierce these folds with a pin. This is the action of the first creative cause, Time. Now flatten out your piece of paper and you will see thirteen holes in different parts of your paper. The paper may be termed 'space'. In a mystical experience of Eternal Reality, you are in the centre of the folded paper, experiencing the action of the piercing pin thrusting through space. So you experience your myriad incarnations simultaneously, in widened consciousness.
Therefore do not travel through your lives in pursuit of spiritual progress in a linear way, plucking your life's music note by note. Rather enter into the core of your being, wherein dwell Love, Beauty and Truth. Then you will gain control over your whole life, and you will pluck your strings in beautiful chords high and low! So will you be in harmony with the music of the stars.
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Aiden: “I invoke the aid of the Goddess Maya, through Her veiled Priestess. Holy Maya, You appear across the sky as a copper-coloured Sun. Your children are lost to Divinity. Help us to restore your Faith in this Your Land.”
“Do not despair! In My Thirteen Heavens, humans are courageously facing the passing of the fourth sphere of emotional control to the fifth sphere of the consciousness of passions. There are many races who attain initiation easily, as they have never endured the ordeal of physical incarnations, through the labyrinth of space and time. Those in solar bodies are glorious as Gods and Goddesses. But you, the suffering ones, only regain your true Being, Divinity, through ordeals. Trials seem cruel, but know that the Mothers and Fathers Who have given you birth have put you to school in planetary evolution. And though you endure unspeakable pain, you win a wonder unknown even to Deities. You have found your true Originality peculiar to each one of you! Without a single soul, the peacock-starry sky would be incomplete.
The Plumed Serpent of Divine Energy rises slowly within each of you, and when you win back your Birthright, you have no spectacular Fall! Those spirits who fly too high have to return to Mother Earth in shame. You deal with humiliation, guilt, evil passions daily, not as the leaping jaguar, but rather have a sure slow progress, like a quiet cat who has learnt to rest before a hearth fire!”
Aiden: “We give thanks for the heartening Oracle of the Goddess Maya as she opens Her great dark eyes and smiles!”
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Ishtar of the Starry Heavens
Shape-Shifting of the Alchemical Twins
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Wings of Heaven
Ritual No. Eleven
Before You Fly High, Make Sure of Your Nest.
The Octagonal Temple of Alchemy
Priest Alchemist: (To Twin Apprentices Aiden and Elaine) The Ancient Druids of Eire knew well the wisdom of Brigid, Goddess of the Spear of Light, of all arts and crafts and of the springs of hidden water in the depths. We need Her Oracle.
Priestess Alchemist: Glorious Brigid, Goddess, Saint, Nature Spirit, Who forms the Rainbow Bridge of the Arts, which links all spheres, grant us your Oracle!
Follow the path of the Spear of Light and you shall surely attain the divine realms of Light. You will know all knowledge, all wisdom, all truths. But are you able to bring happiness to one animal, hope to a friend, joy to a baby?
The mighty plan of the cosmos includes the great and the small, - the wise and the foolish, - the sublime and the absurd. For why should the mighty ones become small and dwell amongst us; and the smallest aspire to be the greatest? They seek wholeness.
To enjoy all that is, we need pride and humility; love and caution; belief and disbelief. For has not each of us a heart and a brain and two legs to walk with?
“As above, so below” is a truth: but also “as below so above.” Why not dance? Stand with your back to your altar and lift up your arms in the V sign of the Light Descending. Ah yes – but now face your altar, with your arms in the form of a triangle, and draw forth that which is below. When these two triangles, one inverted from Heaven, the other pointing upwards from earth, are joined, they form the Diamond of perfection. Drawn closer, there shines the six-pointed Star of Love and Truth in Divine Harmony.
Priestess Alchemist: We give thanks to the Goddess Brigid for Her Oracle.
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2020
Melusina, Life Centres of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Unfolding Wings
Ritual no. 8
Priestess: (Invocation) We invoke Thee, Ardvi Sura Anahita, the high, the powerful, the undefiled. Thou Who has descended from Asman of the Stars, come to us! Thou Heavenly Spring from which all life flows, bring us spiritual wings, that we may reach Heaven of eternal bliss.
Oracle: They who aspire to the Light of Suns must descend into the black earth! It is from the depths that the sacred Life Force springs. From darkness cometh the Fire of the God Ahura Mazda. We twain spring from Eternal Deity, Zirvan, Who is beyond all opposites: space and time; motion and stillness; day and night; and in Whom is no evil. In Zirvan evil is transmuted by My healing waters into good.
Many spirits aspire to reach the stars from which I spring! But it is delusion to think that pilgrim souls may ascend to the Heavens without first passing planetary initiation. There are countless planets that Circle the stars, schools where the souls of all creatures learn through experience. There is no short way. You may help each other and I may help you when called upon, but the price of individuality is dedicated work.
I do not come to humanity with high-flown talk of The Light. I ask you to stoop and clean yourselves in My pure springs. Your souls need cleansing as well as your bodies! You do this by banishing evil from your minds. New inspiration can then flow through you without hindrance.
My two lower wings sweep through the abyss. My two centre wings bring about creation. My two higher wings draw spirits to the stars. These wings spring from the heart of love. - For what good is flight without a destination? To attain spiritual wings you need to discover your own true role in the divine plan. However humble, your part is essential: you have within yourselves the essence of Zirvan, both light and darkness. Find your true way, and you will gain the wings to bring you to your goal! But remember, the bird needs its nest, and after the spirit's ecstasy of flight, you need the darkness of My folded wings to bring you peace.
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
Melusina, Life Centres of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Lighting the Rainbow Aura
Ritual no. 12
Priestess: (Invocation) I invoke Thee, the Goddess Tara! Thou art the Pristine Spirit, the Ultimate Nature and the clear Light of Heaven. Thou art the One Who encloses the Universe. Help us to rise above the sorrows and follies of this material world!
Oracle: Have Peace. Peace is now, in your heart, if you will accept it. You will not attain Spiritual Light by refusing to face the darkness. The darkness not only contains your past but also, through transmutation, your future. Have courage. I have gone before you as a mortal woman and shall come again. I breathe my life into all beings and I suffer with them and share their ignorance and follies!
The greatest evil you fear is death. There is no death. While you are identified with a body of clay you find it difficult to enjoy the bliss of the heavens. You are beset by grief, hatred, violence and cruelty. But you also acquire merit through overcoming these obstacles to Illumination. There are souls who never incarnate upon the earth. And these shine like the stars with pure light. But those such as yourselves who struggle bravely every day with its worries and sorrows gallantly walk backwards into the future! You do not know even what your next day will bring.
The peace I bring is faith in the Divine Love, Buddhi. Take my lotus of ever-renewing life and so accept the future, whatever this may bring you. Know that the delusions of this earth become the material for creation in the Heavens. My magic is renewal. I do not ask you to reject evil, but to transmute it through understanding into good. I am Tara of the Many Selves: of the Heavens, of the dreaming moon, of the harsh earth. I enclose all these Selves in my rainbow Halo that encompasses all beings in my eternal Love, Beauty and Truth.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Part V. Influence of the Zodiac
Capricorn. We Look within Ourselves
Priestess: (Invocation) Holy Mother of us all, we dwell by Thy sufferance upon the wide earth: all creatures that fly and run and swim are under Thy sway. The sacred elements of earth form Thy Body and Thy mighty aura encompasses us as a protective veil. But now we dread the destruction we wreak upon Thy Being. Aid us to change the hearts of those who destroy Thy children and Thy life.
Oracle: Fear not for Me! For if, through immature folly, My destructive sons break My crust irretrievably, causing My inner fires to erupt, for Me this would be a glorious rebirth into a greater orbit! I should encircle the sun in splendour as a far flying comet. In truth, it is not for Me - whom you have trodden underfoot with neglect - for whom you fear, but for yourselves and your works. For what can the students do when they have destroyed their classroom? Yet that which is threatened is suddenly appreciated! So many of you return to My Nature and seek My initiation. Know that heaven and the stars are without, but they are also within Me and within Yourselves! My Inner Sun shines radiantly as My heart's love, and in the depths My Holy Centres glow with myriad ever-changing colours. These are guarded by the two-coiled fiery Dragon-Goddess Tiamat. The first quest to be undertaken by the seeker is not without but within My Being. For within are all your lost treasures, the records of your past lives. The pilgrim soul may through Me live again through each stage of evolving consciousness, as does a child within the womb.
Descend into the Abyss, but only with My Vocation. Without My unmistakeable call you will surely perish from fear! Bring with you the Lamp of Truth, and in your hearts love for even those of My children who appear to you as terrible of aspect. You will face and pass through molten sulphurous green lakes, rivers of fire and finally, face all-revealing Light. Know that in My womb rests the lost paradise you seek, and within it is the Tree. The time comes to each of you when the forbidden fruit is freely given to you. And the gifts thereof give you knowledge of past epochs and the rise and fall of planets and the realization of your own latent divinity. Yet even knowledge is not enough. For wisdom to be won you must taste of the ever renewing Tree of creative Love. Come to Me without fear, but only when I call you Home.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Bast, Mother Goddess of the Earth
As received from Olivia Robertson
Priestess: We call upon Bast, Goddess of the earth, of the sun and moon, she who is so equivocal.
Meditation and Oracle
Sink now into meditation and we find ourselves transported to a temple of red sandstone, this is the place of Bast the temple of Bubastis in the Nile Delta. We see graceful statues of recumbent lionesses on each side of the pathway. The temple arches upward into the sky. The atmosphere has changed, it is charged with the living light of the goddess. We enter the archway of the pylon and we are drawn to the silent figure of a priestess robed in white, veiled with a long white veil. She holds within her living body the caduceus, formed by the twining energies of sun and moon. And she holds for us a message. She leads us to a shrine, the holy of holies of within this holy temple of Bast, goddess of beauty. Here we encounter a shining light within the darkness and we hear the rattle of sistrums. And we hear the words of the Mother Goddess of the Earth:
“Strive to do well. I would grant you the gift of psychic vision that you may see in the darkness. This I would give to all my children, for I love them all. I am with you, even in those times when you suffer pain - and you have suffered in many lifetimes. In my service I grant you release from the drama of these cycles, so that you may experience the final phase of existence, which the ancient Egyptians called the Coming Forth by Day.
Know that those who live life after life, caught up in the passions never attain reality. Reality is awakening from this dream of earthly life and cares, into everlasting love and beauty and truth. Enter into the reality of faith, see before you a disc of light emitting rainbow rays, the source of all things, where all is one. As you walk in this world, on this earth, having attained oneness, you will find love of this life in a new way - a love that joins you with all things. And this is the wholeness – the holiness – found in the ancient Egyptian faith.
I will not let my children fall into the traps of daydreams, a mental illumination without heart. You cannot receive true illumination unless you accept the earth. Do you accept the earth? For if you do, it is good and you will achieve heaven while still upon the earth. Go forth with my blessing. You will achieve perfect health; you will be whole – holy. Love, truth, life are forever - spirit is forever.
Long the years that have passed since the destruction of my temple. Yet I remain. I live on in the hearts of my children. I am honored in their shrines. I bring golden dreams, for you can, in a second bring into being the Golden Age of Isis and Osiris. All that is ugly can be transmuted, affecting humans, animals, trees, the earth itself. You don’t have to banish that which seems evil or ugly, you transmute it. Don’t run away from it, face it and transmute it. That is true spiritual alchemy. That is the magic of love. We are all born of the Mother Goddess and the Father God. You have inner gifts bring them forth. Call upon Me, and I will help you in this visualization of the future.”
Priestess: May all who hear these words offer their blessings and love to all beings.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2019
Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Mystical Awakening of Taurus and Isis
Ritual no. 3
Priestess: (Invocation) Isis, Bestower of Love, Thou Who lost and found Thy Divine Husband Osiris, starry Serapis, and Who brought Him to life: teach us to love with understanding: to help rather than to hinder those we seek to heal, and hold us to Thy embrace which is the encircling arms of the Cosmic Mother.
Oracle of Isis: My loves are many, for to Me all My sons and daughters are the dismembered fragments of Serapis, the starry constellation of incarnate beings. My white milk nourishes all creatures, for this milk is the nectar of the Deities, replenishing their ichor, the Divine Blood. Rightly am I adored as the Cow Goddess, sharing the honour with Hathor and Lakshmi: for all mothers, whether animal or human, serpent or fish or insect give entirely with unselfish abandon to their offspring. This is the law of Nature, for it is My law. But Mothers and wives need to be protected and strengthened by the Gods, for to give, we must also receive. The Goddesses receive life and food from the Mother Goddess: they need also the mighty Gods to give them their strength and determination. For know that our love can be our weakness: and those who depend upon us may become as parasites, if we keep them too long beneath our protecting wings. So remember that though the Goddess presides over the constellation of Taurus, it is the God Serapis with His red eye Who watches the just and the unjust; and Who rewards the virtuous and punishes the wicked. In the Giant Orion you see man in his full vigour and wildness: always in your lives balance this with the White Star of Isis. The inner mystery lies in this star Sothis-Sirius. This is the inner Sun now being unveiled to those who understand. In this two-fold star may be realised the Heavenly Union of the God and Goddess: Love and Truth blended in perfect beauty.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar
Sophia, Cosmic Consciousness of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Mystical Awakening of Cancer and Tiamat
Ritual no. 5
Priestess: (Invocation) Benign Goddess Tiamat, Mother of all Creation, Who wert before Light was separated from Darkness and all was One: Thou Who didst give birth to Gods and Goddesses; Lady of the Great Deep, Keeper of the Tablets of Fate, bring us knowledge of our Origin that we may live forever, surviving Thy Cycles of Time and Space.
Oracle: The Dragon of Darkness am I, shining with countless stars. Each Turn of My body bringeth forth a new era of Time, another sphere of Space: yet within My Being do all these cycles survive in Eternal Reality. My first mighty serpent-coil is that of all the galaxies in the Universe. Curled amongst these lieth the Milky Way, pouring from My breasts. Guarded close to my heart is your sun with ten planets, and one of these is the sea-girt earth. My Seven Star-Crowned Heads of Hydra are raised to the Seventh Heaven: yet They reach to the depths of primordial darkness from which all light emanates. From this underworld I create unceasingly from My own Being: and My first-born is Light. Then from the spiritual work I give birth to the Deities; and the first of these is the God Apsu of the sea, My Consort.
Next I draw from the depths all the elements, and from these form My brood made in Mine own Image. They come as whirling atoms and as microbes. They raise themselves to treetops as giant lizards born from My Dragon Shape. The great trees and the grasses are from My Hair. My offspring, who bear My fish’s tail, populate the oceans as leviathan and as yriad-coloured fishes swimming between coral forests. I give birth to birds, for am I not bird crested and fly with outspread wings? Howling storms echo My lamentation when My Divine husband the God Apsu perishes in the cycles of time, to be born anew through My Divine Body.
The eleven supernatural Monsters who guard the Gate of the Abyss are My Brood, as are the creatures of the Zodiac. The centaurs and unicorns are of My Zoomorphic offspring, as are serpents who have My wisdom.
You would know Me? Follow Me. I make the path of the serpent on the highroads of the stars. I glide smoothly, now to the left, now to the right, and I rise into the Light of Truth and I sink into the depths of Love. Swim in the oceans as I swim, and gallop with a horse over grassy planes – as I gallop with My Horse’s body. Fly to your noblest aim as I fly with my Eagle’s wings. Love with your whole heart! Be as original as Omoroka, She who is Myself, the Woman Who created all that is through the Divine Imagination.
Life is One within the diversity of My manifold Being. All dissension ceases, all probings are useless; analysis, sciences and systems of calculation are destructive when these divide My Eternal Being in the minds of men! For My true Being may not be touched, save in the world of delusion. Split the atoms of My shadow-body and you injure yourselves. Dissect the least of my children . . . and you are left with a corpse, and you lose touch with your soul. Return to My immortal embrace that is as encompassing as the salt sea, and you will gain communion with all beings. And in that communion is eternal Peace and Wisdom.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Athena - Arcadian Awakening
Alchemical Rite
5. Bohemia: Where is Bohemia?
Part I. The Narration: In the Bohemian Woods
“To light the flame within we need a spark from the stars.”
Aiden (raises staff): “Holy Goddess Vesta, invisible to the eye of the profane, glorious in beauty to those who seek You, come among us to fill our emptiness!”
“You call upon that which you have already! I speak through this visionary, yet I also come to you in silence, in darkness, when you are most in need. For I am the Divine Love that burns in the heart of all beings born of the Mother. And all are so born but are taught to ignore their own divine nature. Ambitious Teachers are possessed by a longing to create, to rule, to possess the souls of their followers. But when divine power is blocked, power diminishes, bringing despair. Then I come. But I must be sought for. It is your will which draws you to My Will, in freedom. Unity with my eternal flame from the holy darkness brings you rebirth into your greater Being. Now feel my Presence of Light through your bodies! I come from below with Love, and from above as Wisdom. Where these meet, flowers the Mystic Rose. You are no longer alone. My Rose joins heart to heart with joy, and wisdom brings harmony.”
Elaine: “We give thanks to the Goddess Vesta for Her Oracle.”
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Fortuna, Creation Through the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Cone of Creation
Ritual No. 12
Invocation: Holy goddess Isis, we search for Your Divine Presence! We long to see You as a thirsty deer longs for water. Without you our lives are bereft of laughter, joy and heartwarming love. Be with us and restore us to the harmony of creation.
Oracle: Your longing tells me of your separation from me. Seek Me in mighty temples, and you will find glory but not my laughter! Immerse yourself in many books and you will not discover my truth. Selfishly pursue passing loves, and you will daily lose some part of me with every broken relationship. Wherever you love, at home, in your place of work, in your shrine, in a wood there am I. For I am at the Centre. When you discover beauty, in paintings, music, drama, mountains, the sea, there you will find me. When you care for animals, plants, and help those who suffer, there I am. You seek some mighty revelation, when all nature is my veil. In stillness and silence is my voice. The eyes of love shine through the veil even beyond death. But I do intrude upon you. Never do I inflict goodness on anyone! You create your own life and do not want a perpetual monitor instructing you in your choices. If you treat each person - every creature - that comes your way as an offspring of some Deity, you draw near to my Abode of Bliss. Truly, this world is a divine drama that you take part in enacting your own dreams and fantasies - whether for riches, success or passion. And the deities leave you to create your own part of the story, for good or ill, that you may progress through experience. But when the time of your awakening into day is dawning, you will call upon Me, the universal Mother. And I Shall come to you and draw you through the worldly veil with My starry wings. Remember, do not call upon me unless you are ready to leave this world! For even if your divine self awakens and you continue to live your earthly existence, you will be totally transformed! For I am She Who is beyond all veils, yet within your own self.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2018
Dea, Rites and Mysteries of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
The Mystery of the Spheres
Ritual no. 9
Invocation: Mother of the Gods the Great Deep the celestial Abyss, Nuit, protect us as we face the Mysteries. Aid us who dread the Unknown: wrap Thy starry mantle about us, Thou who archeth the heavens with Thy body that holds the Milky Way as Thy veil. As Thou art great, pity our littleness: as Thou art mighty, strengthen the weak: as Thou holdest all time and space in Thy darkness, bring our souls into their true fruition of Eternity.
Oracle of the goddess Nuit through her priestess: Fear not the unknown: for I am the Unknown. From Me riseth suns and their children the planets: and when suns reach their appointed time, I take them to Me in My dark embrace: for I am both Birth and Death. And the sun that loses its brightness in My Abyss, returns to greater life in other spheres: for I am Mistress of the Spheres. I am the space within each atom: from its heart I give birth to new galaxies. I take to Myself that which is to be transformed into greater life.
So is it with yourselves. I need each sun, each tree, each one of you: for without the least of you My starry body is incomplete. I know you. Learn to know Me.
When you honour Me as the Earth Mother, you face My Abyss with the confidence of children turning to their Mother, source of all good. As you grow in activity and thought, I put you from Me. I withdraw from you, first aiding your steps: then, I leave go of your arms, and you walk alone. You walk in pride of your new found skills and conquests, and you forget me. And this is my will. You walk into the light of day. You turn to the Father. From Him you learn laws and how to enforce them.
When you reach the end of your schooling and turn from the Father, you turn to Isis. She lures you with strange enchantments to the magical Sphere of the Moon. And Queen Persephone draws you to the World of the Shades and teaches you mysterious arts. The shining Sun Goddess Grainne brings you a longing for the Divine Marriage of twin souls indeathless Love.
Yet when darkness falls and cold winter comes, you face the grim twin pylons that guard My Abyss. And you know that I long for you, as you long for Me. In My azure arms I hold the Mysteries. In My sleep of death is your awakening. Come to Me!
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Part VI. We Face the Mysteries
The Labyrinth. We Face Our Many Lives with Courage
Invocation: Wise Ariadne of the deep sea, High Fruitful other of the Barley, Thou whose starry crown of Thetis shines in the heavens, bring us Thy guidance. Skillful weaver of the shining thread of Life that holds all spheres in patterned beauty, inspire us with Thy wisdom. Thou who art above the Labyrinth of the mind, aid us in our thought. For Thou, daughter of Truth art wed with fiery Dionysus of the fruitful vine, and so from Truth and Love bring all creatures into harmony.
Oracle: When you are young, you seek that which is like yourself. And you reject the non-self, and call it your enemy. But when you grow into maturity, you seek the not-Self, for in this is your completion. And so through reconciliation with the enemy comes creation. For the votary of high spiritual Truth needs the warm glory of the Lover, lest she freezes into an Ice Maiden. And the Lover, demoniac in his passions, seeks the Ice Maiden that will still his ardour. And between these two comes the harmony of the spheres.
As you face the gateway into birth you receive My shining cord. But as you penetrate deeper and still deeper into the Labyrinth of time and space, the thread becomes thinner, more ghostly. For as you remember My thread, it becomes strong; and when you forget it, it wanes. As you move through the years you leave behind you a spiral pattern of the thread, that brings you memory of your true being. Yet you look ahead and see no light: the light is behind you.
When you reach the nadir of the Labyrinth, and face that which you most fear, you may drop the thread . But fear not. I am always with you though you see Me not. I am Conscience, and My Mother is Nature and My Father is Philosophy.
Call upon Me and I shall aid you: so are you saved by My grace, and not by your own will. And this must be. For who would be saved through the separate self, rather than be aided by the Immortal Beloved.
So you return through the many windings of the Labyrinth, but now you face the cord and it gleams before you like My Silver Snake. And when you reach the entrance of the Double Axe, you soar above the Maze and look down upon it. And now you see the meaning of the pattern, and enjoy its beauty. And you aid others who lose their way in it as you did and lead them to their goal.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracle by Olivia Robertson
Isis Oasis, October, 2008
Oracle of the Goddess Niamh
As Given Through Her Priestess
Invocation: Niamh, Maiden of Radiant Beauty, Daughter of Sea and Sun, awaken us with Your Silver Branch, so we may commune with the World of Spirit. We would journey to that land whose shores are a Haven of everlasting joy and delight.
Oracle: My Gift to you, Knowledge of a place where all hearts and minds are one - free of the clouded sphere of ordinary thought. A sense of self is necessary for survival on earth, transcended, it becomes an instrument, an opened gateway attuned to the Song of the Source - the Living Flow of Light.
This Symphony of Light draws consciousness upwards - My White Horse bears the Awakened to other worlds - places of wonder, with bright skies and bright water, with vivid flowers on blue hills. There, gold, silver and all manner of jewels are in every habitation. Beauty, wellness and brightness are in abundance. All of these I freely give to any who walk within My Realm.
What is the purpose of rides on my Steed of Light? Are these only visions made of misty threads which will dim and fade under the rays of your earthly sun? No! They are treasures, which heal the heart and ease the troubled soul. Know the Awakened are clothed in My Cloak, which is never pierced, guarded by My Sword, which ever strikes true. My Gifts are blossoms that never wither, but live on within the human heart.
When comes the fateful day to tread the Rainbow Bridge, you have will have no need to fear. My White Steed will bear you swift and true.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Melusina, Life Centres of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Lighting the Rainbow Aura
Ritual no. 12
Priestess: (Invocation) I invoke Thee, the Goddess Tara! Thou art the Pristine Spirit, the Ultimate Nature and the clear Light of Heaven. Thou art the One Who encloses the Universe. Help us to rise above the sorrows and follies of this material world!
Oracle: Have Peace. Peace is now, in your heart, if you will accept it. You will not attain Spiritual Light by refusing to face the darkness. The darkness not only contains your past but also, through transmutation, your future. Have courage. I have gone before you as a mortal woman and shall come again. I breathe my life into all beings and I suffer with them and share their ignorance and follies!
The greatest evil you fear is death. There is no death. While you are identified with a body of clay you find it difficult to enjoy the bliss of the heavens. You are beset by grief, hatred, violence and cruelty. But you also acquire merit through overcoming these obstacles to Illumination. There are souls who never incarnate upon the earth. And these shine like the stars with pure light. But those such as yourselves who struggle bravely every day with its worries and sorrows gallantly walk backwards into the future! You do not know even what your next day will bring.
The peace I bring is faith in the Divine Love, Buddhi. Take my lotus of ever-renewing life and so accept the future, whatever this may bring you. Know that the delusions of this earth become the material for creation in the Heavens. My magic is renewal. I do not ask you to reject evil, but to transmute it through understanding into good. I am Tara of the Many Selves: of the Heavens, of the dreaming moon, of the harsh earth. I enclose all these Selves in my rainbow Halo that encompasses all beings in my eternal Love, Beauty and Truth.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2017
Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Part III. Cycles of the Year
Winter Solstice. 21st December - 6th January
We Enjoy the Fruit of the Tree of Life
Priestess: (Invocation) Holy Frigga, Mother Goddess, Whose Consort is the God Odin, we invoke Thy Blessing on Your poor Earth that we may redeem Her from all the ills we have inflicted upon Her in this cruel iron age.
Oracle: Be of good heart! An Age of Starry Space has dawned, as was foretold by the Seers of old. As you imagine, so it is. When you fear Ragnarok, the general destruction of Gods and men - lo it is there, not for the Deities who live forever, but with your earthly lives. You have as yet no idea of the power of your imaginations! To imagine is to co-create with the Deities. It is through the Divine Imagination that the galaxies were formed in a swirling of light, and the stars sang and the planets turned about them, for this was the imagining of the mighty Star Deities.
It is My Will that My children should create. Artists produce works that show forth the beauty that is inherent in all things, and philosophers through mind make logical systems of thought. Master Builders produce civilizations, and religious teachers give devotees noble religions.
But the greatest of all creations and the most despised, is the Family. Mention the family, and the intelligent, the creative, the spiritual, are bored! They feel the Mother was the restriction which they endured in the womb, from which they were glad to escape into the bright light of incarnation! The Wife suggests the binding responsibilities of home and children that distract the pilgrim on his quest for eternity. Indeed, in the day of the Patriarch it was often the practice of seekers for truth to abandon their homes and go forth into the wilderness, there to seek enlightenment, During the Iron Age the way of the monk and the nun, the scholar and the scientist, was regarded as the highest and best path to Heaven. Heaven was the mind, the spirit, the alienation from both earth and the family.
But now the time has come, when austere studentship has been achieved, for humanity to discover the Divine Family. Each of us has a Divine Family, whether they are My Families, the Aesir and the Vanir, the Family of the Olympian Gods and Goddesses, the Families of Parvati and Lakshmi of India, or your own true peers. Families do not mean separation, for all beings are akin: by venerating your own mother, you honour all mothers: by loving your wives and husbands, you respect all lovers. Care for your own children, and you care for the offspring of every creature throughout the Universe.
Your Spiritual Family will be discovered by you as you tread the Path of the Wise Ones. Drink deep from the Well of Wisdom, but do not ignore the humble, but rather respect the love within them. Therefore, be particularly careful when you do find your Spiritual Family that you give even more love and understanding to your earthly relations and friends! Otherwise you will lose the rainbow bridge with your Spiritual Family, and alienate your earthly friends. The Tree of Life shines through every Being and creature. It shines through Rainbow Bridges of flowing energy, bringing in accord the Almighty Deities and the humblest child and horse and bird and plant. Your pilgrimage will bring you at long last in a spiral from earthly home to Divine Haven. Both are One.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar
Psyche, Magical Journeys of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Part II. The Rays of Ishtar
Magical Journey to
Sirius, Star of Isis. Ray IV
Ritual no. 5
Priestess: (Invocation) I invoke Thee, our Beloved Mother, Goddess of the stars. Thou Who art winged Daughter of Nuit of the Milky Way, Who holdeth the Star Sirius in Thy hands, bring us once again the love we enjoyed when we were with Thee, and with those who were our kin! We seek our lost twin souls, separated from us by time and space. As You and Your Divine Brother Osiris are One, may we be One with our own twins in divine reality. May we be granted the Oracle of the God Osiris.
Oracle: My dear children, you long for that which you possess already! You are always in My heart. Feel My presence in every breeze, in the flowing of water, in sudden flashes of joy. Deep within your hearts is an image of your Immortal Twin. Therefore when I as woman sought for Osiris, yet was He ever in my heart, unknown to Me as I mourned his loss. Learn from the stars! Many are double, some solitary, and others shine in clusters. Yet all form a harmony of love that forms a rainbow network of colour and sound throughout the cosmos. Seek, for seek you must, for ideal love, but in your restless quest do not carelessly tread upon a beetle - He is Kephera Who bears the hidden sun! Pity the anguish of an animal caught in a trap - Anubis suffers in fox form. Poison weeds, and you sear Osiris.
When you learn to recognise the divinity in all beings, your reward will be unexpected! You will find your own spiritual family, your lost twin, your very self. The arduous search, the suffering, the loneliness, form part of the growth of a nobler humanity. To learn the task of that new humanity, turn to My Divine Brother, Osiris!
My daughter, I come to you as a Light from behind you. Face the God Osiris and receive His words!
Oracle: The goal is clear, the Judgement imminent. Humanity was given the task of protecting and fostering the development of all species on earth. Instead of protecting, you have exploited the creatures entrusted to your care. What is the courage in killing wild animals with superior weapons! Some of you take pleasure in killing birds, and most of you devour the carcasses of beasts, birds and fish, though your proper food is from grains, nuts and herbs. I am the Green Osiris. Through greed you have polluted the air and springs, rivers and oceans. So you threaten all life on earth. I am the blue Osiris of air and water. You poison your very food with chemicals. I am Osiris of the grain, Who dies at harvest, scatters grain over the earth, and I resurrect in Spring.
Harken well. The patience of the Deities is- not forever. We heed the suffering of earth's animals, birds, reptiles and insects, the annihilation of whole species. We deplore the destruction of rain forests. There are those of you who are forming a new humanity and Who heed the Divine Voice. Spread this message. Let humanity change its ways before it is too late. Know that I am Osiris the Judge. I judge the fitness of humanity to remain upon the earth! If it is a choice between mankind and the rest of nature, Nature shall be preserved.
The task of the new humanity will be to heal earth's injuries and restore nature in her beauty. I am Osiris of the Inner Voice of Conscience. My heart is in Abydos, the dwelling-place of Love. As Isis and I are One, be you at one with Nature. So shall you all shine forth like stars.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess
Fellowship of Isis Liturgy by Olivia Robertson
Part V. Influence of the Zodiac
Pisces. We Learn How to Receive
Priestess: (Invocation) Goddess of Inspiration, Goddess of Creation, come to our aid, we entreat You! We are parched and bored, devoid of fantasy and prophecy, for we dwell in a waste land of machines that calculate, and statistics that diminish our souls. Restore to us the days of our innocent childhood!
Oracle: Far beyond the world of the cold mind and the stony heart, yet closer than the breath in a frosty dawn is Hy Brasil, the Many-Coloured Land of Heart's Desire! There is the Cauldron of Creation, guarded by three great stone circles, and beyond the circles is the sorrowful waste land of earth in which you dwell. There the lost soul, torn with doubt and fear, having turned away from the Mother, plays endless games of the mind. He adds one to one and two to two, yet never, calculate as he may, achieves infinity! For Infinity is beyond number and calculation and is as near the first as it is to the last. And the Voyager to the future in space and time ever returns, faery-bound, to his own starting point. Only when he calls to Deity for help can he be saved from his mind-formed prison.
Remove from My Cauldron of Creation the three magical drops of Inspiration, Originality and Imagination - and you are left with a poisonous residue of stale thought, soulless regulations and death-bringing orthodoxy. Return to the Matrix which is greater than the limited world about you! Travel far to achieve My Chalice, and endure with courage the ordeals which test your quality. Do not be led astray by false humility, which surrenders your birth-right of free choice to the commands of others. For even those travellers who have found the Grael are not able to share it with their fellows! For this is the Law, that each must achieve divine inspiration in solitude through service. Know that even I, Cerridwen, was not able to bestow the gifts of the Spirit upon My Divine Son. Rather did a mortal, such as yourselves, receive My gifts of the Spirit. And mark that the boy was given inspiration unexpectedly without seeking for it, during the course of his daily work! And he fled in terror, comprehending neither Me nor his great destiny.
In many lives, in many forms, the soul flees from My embrace, Who am the Universal Mother, She Who gives birth and death to all beings. In verity My Cauldron is both the womb and the tomb. For only through birth and death may the soul partake of My Grael and so receive the Elixir of Life.
Gain courage. Cherish humility. Be original: respect the originality of others. Use your imagination: yet know that all you visualise manifests in some sphere; so let your visions be true and noble. When you achieve My Grael you will find Hy Brasil all around you: in the room where you dream: in the bird-filled tree outside your open window: in the eyes of all who love you.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracle of the Goddess Brigantia
Through Her Priestess Olivia Robertson
Originally Published in “Brigid of the Rainbow Planets”
Rite. 4. Realm of Jupiter: The Sword in the Stone
Priest Alchemist: (to Twin Apprentices) When the Deities call you to Leadership, whether temporal or spiritual, you need to use the crook that protects and the flail that winnows good from evil. To learn the wise use of power you need to turn to the Goddess Brigantia, Warrior Queen and Practitioner of the Arts!
Priestess Alchemist: I invoke the noble Goddess Brigantia, Who rules the fruitful land and the stormy oceans. We victims who are subservient, fearful, too anxious to please, bestow on us the sword you draw from the Stone of Destiny!
You make me laugh! Nothing is more appropriate to Heaven than a desire to please: nothing more inadequate upon the earth! Those courageous souls - yourselves among them - who choose, in consultation with spiritual guides, to join in biological incarnations, time after time endure oppression, cruelty and deprivation. But you also enjoy physical pleasures, emotions and creativity wondered at by the Deities.
Know that We whom you acknowledge as Deities, whether Avatars, Magi, Prophets, in reality do not experience the biological conditions that bring you such anguish, boredom, and heart-rending fear. We do not die. You think you die. We do not suffer. Your experiments in loving bring you pain. Our creations spring from ecstasies of joy: yours come through hard work, disappointment and depletion through disease and death.
Take heart! You are Our beloved and bring Us delight, amazement, tears and compassion. We live through you, Our offspring. In return, draw from Our greatness and eternal life. We are teaching you to rule yourselves. Do so!
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2016
Priestess: (Invocation) Triple Goddess Brighid, Maiden Bride, Great Queen, Enchantress, we would awaken our souls to commune with the World of Spirits. For we know that inevitably we journey to that land where dwell those who have passed though the Veil to the Great Unknown. Draw us to Thy Haven of everlasting joy and goodness.
Oracle: The division between these two worlds is only in your mind. In verity you travel to other spheres while your body sleeps. It is only at dawn and at twilight, at Beltaine and Samhain, that the veil is drawn aside for those who seek greater consciousness. All spheres form part of one mighty spiral of Time travelling through Space. Consciousness expands with size. The Magi learn the art of ascending and descending the spiral not by a journey round the sun through repeated rebirth, but through entering the very hub of the Cosmic Spirit. There, centered in all-pervading Deity, they may experience all spheres at will.
It is I Who bestow on newly arrived souls the waters of baptism which bring Vision and inspiration. It is My fiery Wheel that enflames creative artists, all those who would transform this world for greater good. And at last with a touch of my serpent wand I draw the soul away from material existence through the Dolmen Gateway to the world beyond the grave.
The Magi of the College of Wisdom, which exists in all lands, learn to transmute their outer selves, in changing form appearing. Thus they can adapt to many spheres of being, and so gain experience from past cycles of time, and learn also from knowledge of the future. Through metamorphosis they relive their evolutionary journey through amoeba, fish, reptile, animal, human, and know themselves as the Winged Sidhe. The good they make part of themselves: the evil they reject. By union with their true Selves such pilgrim souls touch Divine Essence. From henceforth the Gods and Goddesses may manifest through them, individually, originally, so no personality is lost.
At the Beginning of any work, the Magi face the Deity with adoration. But to accomplish the task they must turn their back on the Divinity, Who then enlightens them from behind through spiritual inflow. Hence great works are accomplished. But when these are well done, the Magi turn again to the Deity, giving thanks, and return Crown and Wand to She who gave them. So shall the Swan Children return with humility to daily existence, knowing that at dawn and dusk, spring and autumn, they may draw the earth and the World of Spirits into harmony.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Samhain
Magical Direction: Northwest to Center
Ray Number: 7
Planet: Neptune and the Moon
Color: Violet
Element: Night
Attribute: Mystical Awakening/Devotion
Purpose: Connection to the Spiritual Self, Awakening of Higher Levels of Psychic Perception.
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar
Invocation and Oracle of the Goddess Gráinne
As received by Olivia Robertson
Presented here as it was first published
in Issue no. 5 of Isian News, Summer, 1977
Priestess invokes: Dwells the holy Sidhe of Fire,
In the hollow of the earth,
Glows the holy Sidhe of Fire,
In the seed that giveth Birth,
Lightly blows the wind of Heaven,
Draws her veil about the sky,
Dims the golden rays of Gráinne,
Moves the tree tops with a sigh.
Grainne, Goddess of sun and seed,
Come now and dwell within our hearts.
Oracle: From the depths of earth my inner sun, glows through the heart of all existences. Atoms and stars, creatures that fly, run, crawl and swim, know me as Mother and as Consciousness. My mind enlightens every mind: My strength brings victory. My breath is in every breath: the healing rays are mine. Look upwards, down, around; for I am everywhere. Yet also look within: I am within thyself.
Priestess: Thanks is given to the Goddess Gráinne for this her oracle.
Olivia gave the following key phrase for this oracle when it was reproduced in “Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess”: ‘Solar Vitality’.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Lughnasadh
Magical Direction: Southwest
Ray Number: 5
Planet: Saturn
Color: Blue
Element: Ether
Attribute: Science/Occultism
Purpose: Opens Pathways to Inner Knowledge
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Invocation: Divine Goddess Isis whose outspread wings promise protection in spiritual flights, bring us through the starry spheres of being to our eternal home.
Oracle of the Winged Isis: You have wings yourself. Without spiritual growth you will never fly with the wings of another, even a Goddess. The fledgling bird is pushed from the nest by its mother, not from rejection but from love for its own individual being.
The time of change is at hand. Humanity is discovering wings of the divine spirit, enjoyed by angels. The fledgling soul learns to transcend not only the speed of light to distant galaxies, but to experience greater spheres of consciousness. But take heed. For perfect balance you need two wings - you attain your true being through heart and mind, Love and Truth. But to fly successfully, you need your home to spring from and your haven to return to after your soul's flight! Then my wings will enfold you to your deep content.
Invocation: Horus of the Horizon, mighty hawk whose all-seeing Eye looks into our souls, save us from self-deception and delusions of grandeur. Help us to face ourselves.
Oracle of Horus the Golden Eye: Too frequently your problem is not self-pride but self-hatred. Yet these two go together. If you seek power, you need to learn submission. You search for the object of your love, yet forget to offer love! You may conquer great empires throughout the stars, yet omit to conquer your own passions. Your first essay in the flight of the hawk is to know your own limitations. Otherwise you will become confused and dispirited. Learn with the eye of discernment where you wish to travel to! Do not be guided by some teacher, some book, some tradition. Your soul's flight is too important to be dominated by anothers guidance, however noble. Your only true guide is yourself, that spark of which you inherit like Myself from the Divine Body of Nuit, Mother of All. My Golden Eye is within your own self. It is the eye of truth.
The Oracle of the Winged Isis and The Oracle of Horus the Golden Eye come from "Sphinx, Goddess Myths and Mysteries" ritual no. 3.
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Beltane
Magical Direction: Southeast
Ray Number: 3
Planet: Mercury
Color: Yellow
Element: Air
Purpose: Awakens the Intellect of the Higher Mind
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
The Goddess Isis of Egypt
Through Her Priestess: Olivia Robertson
We Feel Kinship with All Beings
Priestess: (Invocation) Isis, Bestower of Love, Thou who lost and found Thy Divine Husband Osiris, starry Serapis, and Who brought Him to life: teach us to love with understanding: to help rather than to hinder those we seek to heal, and hold us to Thy embrace which is the encircling arms of the Cosmic Mother.
Oracle of Isis: My loves are many, for to Me all My sons and daughters are the dismembered fragments of Serapis, the starry constellation of incarnate beings. My white milk nourishes all creatures, for this milk is the nectar of the Deities, replenishing their ichor, the Divine Blood. Rightly am I adored as the Cow Goddess, sharing the honour with Hathor and Lakshmi: for all mothers, whether animal or human, serpent or fish or insect give entirely with unselfish abandon to their offspring. This is the law of Nature, for it is My law. But Mothers and wives need to be protected and strengthened by the Gods, for to give, we must also receive. The Goddesses receive life and food from the Mother Goddess: they need also the mighty Gods to give them their strength and determination. For know that our love can be our weakness: and those who depend upon us may become as parasites, if we keep them too long beneath our protecting wings. So remember that though the Goddess presides over the constellation of Taurus, it is the God Serapis with His red eye who watches the just and the unjust; and Who rewards the virtuous and punishes the wicked. In the Giant Orion you see man in his full vigour and wildness: always in your lives balance this with the White Star of Isis. The inner mystery lies in this star Sothis-Sirius. This is the Inner Sun now being unveiled to those who understand. In this two-fold star may be realised the Heavenly Union of the God and Goddess: Love and Truth blended in perfect Beauty.
This Oracle comes from "Sybil, Oracles of the Goddess"
Correspondences from the Star of Ishtar for this Oracle, may be used as aids for visualization or building a seasonal altar for attunement work:
Seasonal Festival: Brigantia
Magical Direction: Northeast to Center
Ray Number: 1
Planet: Mars
Color: Red
Element: Fire
Attribute: Power
Purpose: Awakening of the Higher Will and Inner Power
For more information please visit: Star of Ishtar Origin and Creation
Oracles for 2015
Oracle of the Goddess Isis
Through Her Priestess, Olivia Robertson
Truth within is the Truth without. Purity is not emptiness: for Space contains the galaxies with their myriad hued stars. Purity gathers to herself all that is proper to herself; rejecting only the incompatible. To be true to one’s real self is to be pure. Purity is the offspring of Truth. Pollution is the evil consequence of betraying one’s self, others, and one’s planet. Polluted river and ocean waters reflect human poisoned emotions: polluted plants suffer through unhealthy human minds.
To attune mind and heart with the Mind and Heart of Deity is to grow in holiness and health. This good in each of us inspires others to find their own true selves. One cannot make the path for another. One may help: n