Olivia Robertson - Open Letters 2004


Received from Olivia Robertson

October 26, 2004

I feel that I should clarify:

A. The Liturgy stands as it is now on the Homepage. I respect all the excellent work that has been done for FOI. I have read and approved the corrections that have been made and it was by my request.

B. The Star of Isis, Archpriesthood, and the Circle of Brigid were inaugurated by me as part of the decentralization and stand as set up, as well as all the new paths in FOI.

Love and Blessings,


Our thanks to the Rt. Rev. Cathryn Anne Rogers for forwarding this message from Olivia.

*(Note: Olivia gave a similar document to the Fellowship of Isis Central Website staff in October of 2005.)

October 11, 2004

Message from Fellowship of Isis co-founder Lady Olivia Robertson

A World Wide Fellowship of Isis Website - Circle of Isis

"Owing to the rapid expansion of FOI, we have now a new world website. This will operate under the aegis of the legal Temple of Isis - Fellowship of Isis, Geyserville, California where an open Temple Of Isis holds ceremonies on a weekly basis and has attendance from many visitors. It will be operated by the Circle of Isis, limited to ten members: Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne, AU, Founder of the Temple of Isis (USA); Rt. Rev. Roxanna deTraci Regula, AU (USA); Rt. Rev. Caroline Wise, AU (UK); Rt. Rev. John Merron, AU (UK); Rev. Dietlinda Brueckner, Prs. H. (Germany); Rev. Ronald Cwetna, Pr. H. (Germany); Rev. Elizabeth Kelly, Order of Mary Magdalene (USA); Rev. Arisa Victor (USA); Rev. Linda Iles, Archdrs. (USA); and Global Advisor Rt. Rev. Lady Olivia Robertson, AU (Ireland).

As with present and future global websites consisting of a plurality of centres, each such website will have authority to publish the Liturgy free online and to present lists of centres, new members of the Priesthood and other such information. In the future British, Irish, German, Japanese and Nigerian global websites would assist hundreds of members and centres who require local information.

FOI faces a glorious future Rebirth of the Goddess Isis Unveiled for our new millenium. We go forward with hope and joy as well as love for all in friendship, that is what the word "fellowship" means."

Summer Solstice Celebration at Clonegal Castle, 2004

By Olivia Robertson

This celebration meant a lot to us all, because we were putting into motion the workings of our new Circle of Brigid. We began in the Old Mill Theatre where as a child I remember the huge old mill wheel resting outside - the remnants of the water now a pool for fat ducks. It looked suitably ancient with a jigsaw of deers’ antlers (not my choosing. . .) animal heads and a gigantic tapestry of two lovers – presumably illicit – the man in armour, the lady with flowing hair and gown, falling into each others arms, watched on by a somewhat sinister Pan statue. What is the legend? We don’t know. The hall is lighted by huge Chinese lanterns and has Chinese flags put in by an erstwhile resident of Hong Kong.

Equally Chinese was the display of Martial Arts performed as a gift to F.O.I. by the Grand Master Sid Sofas and his team. He and Brian and others assisted in being dramatically thrown into the air – as in a favourite film of mine – “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.” We were given a talk on the therapeutic, spiritual and peace-bringing value of Martial Arts. The Arts release “Chi” – Kundalini – Melusina – Mana – the psychic lightening in our bodies.

However, the focus of our Solstice celebration was the Midsummer Alchemical Marriage. One of its names in the mysteries is “Hieros Gamos”, but the very down-to–earth tantric practice of this as described in the best-seller “The Da Vinci Code” is not our way.

The Bride and Bridegroom preferably have not met each other before, and after the alchemical use of “chi” may never meet again. FOI presented this Isian practice at the Centennial Parliament of the Parliament of World Religions, and many Sufi and Hindu practitioners use the same non-tactile method. The Bride and Bridegroom, having stepped forward, tell the company what Intentions they wish to fulfil through the alchemical union of man and woman. The Priestesses and Priests bless two scarves, one for the Bride and one for the Groom. The Bridal scarf is the Veil: the Groom’s, his sword-sash. On occasion the pair may walk 3 times round the ever-living Vestal Flame. On this occasion there were far too many present in the Temple of Isis to use a fire.

As Archpriestess, I tied the Eternal Knot, held by Bride and Groom at each end. Then I instructed them to hold the palms of their hands together and feel a flow of power. I told them to visualise a small sun between their hands and as the sun grew, slowly to withdraw their hands until the sun could gain its maximum size. I asked them to put their Intentions within the sun. When this was completed, they were to turn away from each other, and send forth rays of Love, Beauty and Truth to all assembled. The company could add names and wishes for healing for others not present, and causes they had at heart. As always afterwards, we gave thanks to the Deities, who to us are not “thought-forms” but living Beings more advanced than ourselves but of the same Divine Family of life born of the Cosmic Mother, the Matrix.

The Consecration of the Circle of Brigid

By Olivia Robertson

May 17, 2004

On the 8th May 2004, Olivia officially shared her role as host to the many who came for the Beltaine ceremony with members of the new Circle of Brigid - eight members chosen by her and accepted by David and Moira Durdin-Robertson. David being the owner of the Castle, Olivia is Trustee for the Temple of Isis along with David.

Minette took records of all who attended and who wished to come to future ceremonies. People liked the new structure. Minette, Hon. Secretary offered her gift of Brigid: healing and counselling, along with the Archdruidess Eileen Laurence, and Joan Hartigan, Priestess Hierophant, in the Chapels of the Mothers, Stars and Healing.

It was particularly pleasant to welcome a new member from Scotland, who had joined and read of the ceremony through the Homepage. He is now able to be in touch with our Lyceum in Scotland.

The Global Circle of Brigid, Clonegal Castle

June 29, 2009

By Olivia Robertson

Since its formation in Ireland by the Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis, The Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, The Circle of Brigid, with its 8 founding members, has assisted in hosting the 8 seasonal Goddess Festivals held at Clonegal Castle.

The Circle of Brigid does not, of course, intervene in the affairs of other self-regulating Centres. Its Global function is to encourage and spread fellowship and inspiration in every way, especially through the Arts.

From the start in Ireland, it has encouraged local and visiting members of the Fellowship from the UK and beyond to share their talents and skills, offering music, healing and spiritual counselling at Festivals, but also giving exhibitions of paintings and sculpture, putting on story-telling and drum workshops and producing plays in local halls in cooperation with the local community.

The Circle of Brigid has now opened its Spiritual Membership to all who wish to join. The Spirit of Brigid fights for Justice with her Spear of Light. She offers the flame of Her hearth and home. Her warm hospitality and loving care for all are legendary. She fosters good relations with the local community, of whatever faith, not only in Ireland but in every country where there are Centres.

She Blesses all Wells and Springs, throughout the world. Her names are many. She is Goddess and Saint: Brigid, Bridget, Britannia, Brigantia. Many words are associated with Her. She is the Bright One, the Bridge, the Bride.

Our aim is to bring the Spirit of Brigid from Ireland to all our Centres with Her inspiration, encouraging its members to take up Her flame and pass it on to enrich the lives of others. Spiritual Members need no Certificate of Membership, but dedicate themselves to her Spirit and to Her Work as they feel inspired.

Come drink at her Well. . .

Seek healing’s true wealth,

Take courage her flame is still burning.

Seek justice and peace,

Come share in the feast

Her Spirit is now preparing.

(Minette Quick, Hon. Sec. Circle of Brigid)

Invitations to the 8 seasonal Goddess Festivals at Clonegal Castle may be applied for by e-mail, Placing the words “FOI invitations” in the subject line: hon.sec.circleofbrigid@gmail.com

Sacred Landscapes

Hill of Tara - Ireland

March 26, 2004

By request of Olivia Robertson, this letter was written by Minette Quick, Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Brigid, to all FOI members:

Hill of Tara - Ireland - Threatened by Road Development

I belong to a group, that is trying to prevent the construction of a four lane highway through the Tara Skryne Valley, and which will pass only meters away from the Hill of Tara, with a clover leaf exchange only 50 meters to the north of the Hill. Even though two alternate routes were proposed and more than viable, the Irish government chose the present route. (It was actually the National Roads Authority, probably instructed by the Govt. I was up in Dublin in the Dail, Leinster House on a tour this week and enquired MEQ)

A group has been formed, which has several Irish notables, whose goal is to prevent the motorway from being constructed through the valley, with a view to obtain World Heritage status for the Hill and environs.

The problem is, in getting the word out to international contacts in an effort to bring international pressure and scrutiny upon the Irish Govt. Needless to say, the plot has all the makings of a good movie...not only is a highway proposed, but a waste management plant, within view of Brugh na Boyne, and a major urban development in the valley itself. The Irish govt is ignoring and breaking numerous signed conventions and agreements with the EU, UN, and its own national policies and legislation.... (I questioned M.J.Nolan our local Fianna Fail TD - member of parliament - on this, and he hotly disputed it, saying that they couldn't possibly do it if they were breaking conventions etc. He also said that there had been a long period of consultation before it got to this stage. Fianna Fail is the governing party at present. MEQ)

We need all the help we can get. Sorry to bother you with this, and thank you so much for taking the time to read this through. Feel free to share this info. with any and all you think can be of assistance. The Irish govt lans to dig some preliminary trenches in the valley within the next few weeks, and construction will begin soon - early this spring.

A sample protest letter with govt officials addresses is available at: http://www.groveofdanu.org as we offered to help the Tara Skryne folks out... Further information can be found at the following urls... one is an e-group of supporters and the other is the offical website:



If you can help at all, every little bit is deeply appreciated.

Blessings of the Ancestors upon you and yours.


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