Fellowship of Isis History Archive - Pilgrimage to Hawaii with Olivia
A Pilgrimage to the Hawaiian Islands with Lady Olivia
by Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne, AU
Temple of Isis, Geyserville
The idea for the Hawaiian visit was hatched when I went to the islands at the end of last year and visited Catherine Stoval in her temple home on Kauai. Catherine has long been a Fellowship of Isis member and is a priestess in the Temple of Isis. She works for the mayor of Kauai and knows all about the various aspects of the island of Hawaii, although she was originally one of the Nevada City, California priestesses. She founded a group called ‘Children of the Rainbow’ and had a gathering for them to meet me at that time, her place all decked out for Xmas with gigantic crystals that she displays with love. When I left she requested that I find out if Lady Olivia might like to come to the islands and suggested she host a gathering there so her group might meet Olivia too. I said I would see if that could be arranged.
Then, after proposing this to Olivia I got an answer in the affirmative. Never having been to the islands and being in her 90th year, she thought it would be a special treat, and indeed it was.
We arrived in Oahu, Honolulu to be met by my sister Caryl, in whose home we were to stay for a number of days before traveling on. Caryl loves to show people around and the first day we went swimming at the beach in front of an elegant hotel away from Waikiki. This Hotel boasts a huge dolphin pool where we could watch them play and also has huge tortoises and a manta ray, all of which delighted Olivia.
The next day we had a sojourn to the famous home of Doris Duke, a millionairess who outfitted her mansion on the ocean with fantastic artifacts from the middle east. She lived a long life but was only married for two years and seemed to be a very interesting person.
After that a trip to a colorful Kuan Yin Temple and some dim sum and on to see Hanauma Bay, the vast Pacific Ocean and a journey to a place called the enchanted lake. Here two women who had visited the castle entertained us in a formal tea party where they share a condominium heavily outfitted with Goddess imagery. These two, Judy and Moksha, were delightfully welcoming and would be visiting us at Caryl’s house the next day.
Caryl had arranged a gathering of her friends for ‘pu pus,’ the Hawaiian pot luck and soon they began to show up. Caryl was worried that we might seem too far out , worshipping Goddesses, considering ourselves Pagans and talking about the Divine Feminine, so she played this down in her invitation. However when the women arrived , they were receptive to the concept and everyone had a delightful time, listening to the three of us emote about the Temple of Isis and the Fellowship of Isis. One brave man came who was a student of comparative religion who thought it a very valuable experience as he holds meetings encompassing all religions each month and now he had a different perspective. One of the women had us all in stitches using laughing yoga which she is teaching now.
When almost everyone left I started to get ready for bed, when there on my dressing table I discovered a huge moth. Those of you who have read my book “The Goddess Bade Me Do It” may remember it starts and ends with a huge cecropia moth. A few weeks ago I had another moth experience when a large sphinx moth flew into our small temple and landed on the wings of a statue of Isis and now - this moth! I found out later it was indigenous to Hawaii and was called the ‘Black Witch.’ It is so large it looks like a bat. My sister had never seen one before in her house or elsewhere. The moth is clearly one of my totems.
Our next stop was the town of Volcano on the big island of Hawaii. We flew through fluffy clouds above the blue waters heading toward the island where the Goddess Pele awaits. We are wearing purple leis of orchids which we plan to use as our offerings to her.
Catherine Stovall is to meet up with us and together we rented a car to take us up to the volcano area. Here we were to stay in Volcano house right on the rim of the crater. Our first stop was to meet Diveena, a priestess long associated with the Temple of Isis, having religiously performed full moon ceremonies at Isis Oasis for years. She met a man who was one of our volunteers and went off with him to Volcano. We had lunch together and all went to her charming geodesic dome home for tea where Raven Joy, another FOI, TOI Nevada City priestess joined us wearing a huge orange hibiscus in her hair.
We then checked into the hotel and unloaded our gear before we drove to the place where we would come face to face with the chasm where Pele, the fiery Goddess lives. We found a large rock for an altar. I had brought my sistrum and chanted a song ... “Pele, Pele, Goddess of fire, Pele, Pele, all you do inspire.” We threw our lei’s into an offering place and gave our special blessings. Then went off to another lookout affording us a different perspective each time. Olivia would trot off and we could never keep up with her. She displayed an amazing amount of energy as she communed with the fiery Goddess. perhaps she resonated with her Aries energy.
We watched a beautiful sunset from the hotel where we dined this night and continued our volcanic observations the next day. Then we took a long ride in the country to a town that housed another Kuan Yin Temple in the woods. We were able to view it but the temple was closed by the time we got there, so back to the town of Volcano to meet with some friends of Catherine’s for dinner. We talked of many things but the indigo children , which held a great deal of fascination for Olivia this trip was the main topic. Then we went volcano chasing as we were told you could see the lava flowing if you got to the right place. We finally were able to capture the red glow within the park where we stepped out to see a myriad of twinkling stars displayed in the heavens above us.
Having spent a few days with Pele we next returned to the airport to catch a plane to Kauai. Catherine said we would be met and indeed we were. A lithe woman with gray braids came forward and draped each of us with a lei and also planted a gentle kiss on each side of our faces. We all visited a sacred Haiou where we were joined by Ann, another woman who had been to the castle. We circled around and gave blessings to Kauai and each other. Olivia ran into the ocean for a foot wetting, 3 times , a custom in Ireland she said. Then on to Catherine’s house were we would have a repast and bed. Olivia had her own room and de Traci and I shared a room and we all settled in quite nicely.
The next day we prepared for a group dinner around a long table and spent some time getting to know each other in depth. Early to be so we might see the sunrise next morning. Dreams came and went and then we rose and gathered at a place called Lydgate Park. It was a glorious sunrise and each had a chance to share in addition to learning a bit of hula. Then we plunged into the sea in an area that was very shallow and safe.
Back at Catherine’s we dined on delicious pineapple and croissants before going to view a sacred spot where the spirits of the Lemurians are believed to have lived and may still according to some. We also visited the Shiva temple, an amazing piece of land with rivers, waterfalls and Shangri-La like temples. Only male monks live here in orange robes.
We scouted out the place where our Saturday and Sunday meetings would take place ... down a rather treacherous road till you got there and then tranquility and more rivers and waterfalls and lawn with trees laden with fruits and adorable wooden yurts. We drove on to the end of the island past huge caves at the ocean edge. Some wanted to wander to a place that held a sacred altar but a few of us elders opted to go on to a gorgeous Hotel in Hanalei Bay where we could watch the sunset. Soon joined by the rest we sipped Mai Tai’s with our repast and listened to a talented guitarist who also sang for us. We joined him by using the hand motions we learned in our Hula lesson.
Next day was spent getting ready for our presentations and a number of folks came to Catherine’s Temple house to visit with Olivia who performed one of her very humorous magical mystery plays which was to be continued the next day at the meeting site. The gathering came together without a hitch except for the mosquitoes who we now knew were there so we sprayed ourselves profusely with bug off.
de Traci and I held forth with a number of interesting topics we had researched. We had to get into a tent for awhile as it was raining rather heavily at one point. Then Lady Olivia used one of the Yurts as her staging area and the play continued, all about indigo children. In the end we held a mother’s anonymous club with all of us describing our indigo child and how it magically was born. We had a special dinner out at a place unfortunately called the Bull Shed, right on the oceans edge and very popular with the locals. Great mud pie.
The next day started with a fancy breakfast all laid out on the large table in Catherine’s house. We donned our Goddess clothing and one again convened in the magical if not difficult to get to garden. There was a dog who visited us the day before which we decorated with a rainbow ribbon which we all wore. Our ceremony took many forms with two people finally being ordained. It was the 5th anniversary of the Children of the Rainbow. I remember when it began because Catherine called me to be on the phone to give it my blessings at their very first meeting.
We dined on ‘pu pus’ and a rainbow decorated cake at the park and upon returning on soup and salad with a lot to talk about, and then off to pack.
In the morning we took pictures and humorously spoke of the ‘Mamarotzi,’ which went along with one of the topics I spoke about. It was ‘Womanfesting,’ which is what my specialty seems to be. I used to call it manifesting but this is the new term now.
Just before we left, Deborah, the hula dancer came and gave us a show and the last thing that happened was that Lady Olivia donned a hula skirt, and danced right along with her. It was a precious sight. All in all the trip was very worthwhile and I am certain it was the highlight for Lady Olivia’s visit to the states this year.
About the Author: Loreon Vigne was a member of the ArchPriesthood Union, ArchDruid Union and Grand Commander Union of the Fellowship of Isis, in which she was long been both a member and an ordained priestess. She founded the Temple of Isis at Geyserville, California in 1996. The Temple of Isis is a legally recognized church which offers legal minister status for FOI priesthood members. Olivia Robertson referred to the Temple of Isis as "the legal branch of the FOI priesthood." Loreon wrote: "We honor the Goddess Isis, who equates with Mother Earth, and has been worshipped longer than any other deity known on this planet." Loreon also owned and managed the property named Isis Oasis in Geyserville, a retreat center which houses two active temple buildings, the Isis Chapel and the Main Temple. The Temple of Isis and Isis Oasis are carrying on the legacy left to them by Loreon Vigne in the Temple of Isis and by Olivia Robertson and her brother Lawrence Durdin-Robertson in the Fellowship of Isis. It was Lawrence who encouraged Loreon in the early 1980s to pursue her dream to found a Goddess themed retreat center. He told her "You just have to meet the Goddess halfway."
Note: The cecropia moth (Hyalophora cecropia) is a member of the family Saturniidae. It is the largest North American moth, a typical wingspan measures between 5 to 6 inches. Cecropia moths are sometimes referred to as ‘Silkworm' moths or 'Robin' moths. They fly only at night, like most moths, and therefore are not commonly seen. 'Cecropia' is an archaic name of the Acropolis at Athens in ancient Greece, after Cecrops (or Kekrops) the first king of Athens.
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