Fellowship of Isis - Advisory Boards & Sister Websites
Serving the Greater FOI Community
Officially Authorized Global Websites
The Circle of Isis (International, Advisory Board and FOI Central Website)
The Circle of Isis was authorized by FOI co-founder Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson to accept registrations, appointments, new centers within the Fellowship of Isis, to host an official central Fellowship of Isis webpage and publish the FOI liturgy.
Current Circle of Isis members are Rt. Rev. Roxanna deTraci Regula, AU (USA); Caroline Wise, (UK); Rt. Rev. John Merron, AU (UK); Rev. Dietlinda Brueckner, Prs. H.(Germany); Rev. Ronald Cwetna, Pr. H. (Germany); Rev. Elizabeth Kelly, Order of Mary Magdalene (USA); Rt. Rev. Linda Iles, (USA); Rev. Arisa Victor (USA); Rt. Rev. Claudia and Rt. Rev. Thomas Wehmeyer, Germany; Rt. Rev. Michael A. Starsheen (USA); Rt. Rev. Kasey Conder (USA); Rt. Rev. Carolina A. Amor (USA); Rt. Rev. Anniitra Ravenmoon (USA); Rev. H. Tina Georgitsis / Setjataset (Australia) and special places reserved in memory of Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne, founder of the Temple of Isis in Geyserville (USA); and Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, AU (Ireland), who served as Global Advisor, and whose works still offer us guidance.
Assisting in the Southern Hemisphere, Rev. H. Tina Georgitsis / Setjataset of the Lyceum of Heka, Victoria, Australia, contact for the Spanish speaking community is Rt. Rev. Carolina A. Amor of the Circulo de Isis Iseum, Bay Area, USA. Druid Clan of Dana contact is ArchDruid Kasey Conder, Druid Grove of Isis and Uta-ha, San Francisco, California and Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.
The Fellowship of Isis Central website staff can be reached at isiscircleonline@yahoo.com
The Circle of Isis online publication, The Mirror of Isis, was first published at Beltane, 2006, the last issue was published for Samhain, 2010, due in great part to taking on publication of Isian News, the official FOI newsletter in 2009.
Fellowship of Isis Central is maintained by members of the Circle of Isis: and publishes the original official newsletter Isian News. This newsletter was first issued in the summer of 1976 by the three FOI Co-Founders from Ireland. It has been published quarterly ever since.
The Star of Elen (International, Advisory Board and Website) (Currently on Sabbatical)
Chartered by FOI co-founder Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson on July 8, 2008. The Star of Elen has been created to serve the needs of Fellowship of Isis members in the United Kingdom and in Europe. Until her passing, the late Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, FOI co-founder, acted as overseeing consultant, Rt. Rev. Caroline Wise (UK), Rt. Rev. John Merron (UK), Störm Poorun (UK), Most Rev. Linda Iles, Prs. H., (USA), Michael Staley (UK) and Celia Thomas (UK). In accordance with Olivia's wishes, the Star of Elen will work closely with the Star of Isis, the Circle of Brigid and the Circle of Isis. Charter and Founding of the Star of Elen
FOI Germany (International, Website)
Authorized by Olivia Robertson as a central website in 2008. One of the oldest continuous Fellowship of Isis communities. FOI Germany is headed by Claudia and Thomas Wehmeyer. You can learn more on this page: FOI Germany
Circulo de Isis (International, Website in English and Spanish)
Authorized by Olivia Robertson March 25, 2010. Based in the USA, but works with members in South America and Spain. Circulo de Isis is headed by Carolina Amor Boggs. This community has grown rapidly, they celebrate the New and Full moons, and share our experiences with magick, divination, and the Sacred Mysteries. Circulo de Isis
Fellowship of Isis/Utah (International, Website)
Authorized by Olivia Robertson in 2008. Based in Salt Lake City, Fellowship of Isis/Utah is headed by Kasey Conder. The FOI community in Utah has grown and offers public events and rituals. Fellowship of Isis/Utah
FOI Chicago (International, Website)
Originally authorized by Olivia Robertson for the late Deena Butta of Chicago, Illinois. Deena's work is being carried on by members of her community. FOI Chicago and the publication Isis-Seshat and two directory sites, Spiral of Isis and Portal of Isis. These sites are currently being updated.
Officially Authorized Advisory Boards
"All boards have equal standing within the Fellowship and work together in goodwill."
"The members of every Star and Circle are equal in the Fellowship of Isis and share responsibilities equally. These Stars and Circles, which function as FOI Advisory Boards, are part of the decentralization process. Their mutual cooperation and sharing of decisions are crucial to the future of the Fellowship of Isis."
- FOI co-founder Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, AU, ADU, GCU
Owing to the rapid expansion of the Fellowship of Isis, a series of advisory boards, some of which are called ‘Circles’, and additional Global Websites consisting of a plurality of centres are being established. Each Circle will serve a specific geographic location as an advisory council. Global Websites will have permission from Lady Olivia Robertson to publish the Fellowship of Isis Liturgy online. They will also be granted permission to present lists of members and centres, to register new members, new appointments, new centers and other such information. They will function as central websites for the Fellowship of Isis as part of the decentralizing process. This network of Fellowship of Isis Advisory Boards and Circles and Global Websites will assist hundreds of members and centres who require local information.
List of the Advisory Boards in chronological order of their founding:
The Star of Isis Consultancy (International) (Currently Inactive)
Members are: A.E. Afarri, Jocelyn Almond, deTraci Regula tregula@concentric.net Cathryn Rogers fontisis@yahoo.com , Connia Silver, Swami Sudheer.
This Consultancy of members of the ArchPriesthood Union was formed August 18, 2003. They function as an advisory board and a consultancy for the FOI community. Olivia Robertson wrote of their founding: "Eight is the special number of the Fellowship of Isis. Eight is the number of rays of the Star of Ishtar, also Sirius the Home or Soul of Isis, our Patroness. Eight therefore is the number of AU members appointed to offer guidance, help and information in this star consultancy of AU members.
Eight members of the ArchPriesthood Union identified with the eight-pointed Star of Ishtar, FOI diagram, offer a consultancy service. Members all over the world requiring information, ideas and help may apply to the AU Star of Isis." (Isian News Issue 110, Samhain 2003)
The Star of Isis Consultancy was the first of a planned series of Advisory Boards created within the Fellowship of Isis, it was soon followed by the creation of the Circle of Brigid in May of 2004 and the Circle of Isis in October of 2004. For more information about the Star of Isis Consultancy please visit the ArchPriesthood Union page on this site.
Rainbow Circle - Formerly The Circle of Brigid (Ireland) (Currently Inactive)
On May 17, 2004, the Circle of Brigid was formed by the late Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson to co-host the seasonal festivals at the castle. The Circle of Brigid has dissolved back into the FOI priesthood.
The Circle of Pelagia (Regional, Los Angeles, California, United States) (Currently Inactive)
By request of FOI co-founder Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, The Circle of Pelagia was founded on October 2, 2006 by the Rt. Reverend Laura Janesdaughter (now deceased) Priestess Hierophant of the Lyceum of the Living Ast of Collegium Isidis. The work of this Advisory Board is dedicated to the free flow of friendship celebrating the Love of The Goddess for all that is.
Members are Letecia Layson, Catherine Wright, Callista Lee, Glory Vernon, Anniitra Ravenmoon, Kat Robb, InannaMoon Sarocco. In addition, there are several Honorary/Sisters Members ~ including Olivia Robertson (now deceased), Linda Iles, M. Isidora Forrest, Denise Allen, Misha Ma’heo, Cathleen Peterson, Kris Fawcett, Joanne Astraea, Mary DeWitt (now deceased), and Pat Taylor.
Members of the Circle of Isis Pelagia hosted Olivia when she came to Los Angeles. Some members of this board, along with Long Beach WomanSpirit and host the solstice faires, public rituals and workshops throughout the year.
Circle of the Sacred Cauldron (Currently Inactive)
This circle is an extension of the Iseum of the Nubian Moon, chartered January 30th, 2008 by Laura Janesdaughter and with the blessing of FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson. Located in Long Beach, California, USA, this advisory board primarily serves the Southern California area, hosting rituals, book presentations, sacred workshops, many types of classes, including yoga and dance, full moon and new moon rituals.
Members are: Rt. Rev. Anniitra Ravenmoon AU, Rev. Carla Jones Alt, Prs. H., Rev. Jayne DeMente, Rev. Pat Taylor, Rev. Joanne Lockhart, Dorothy Hoffman, Zingaro Pazzia, Meloney Hudson and Regina Barton. Contact: sacredraven@msn.com
Nemeton of Dana (Advisory Board for the Druid Clan of Dana) (Currently Inactive)
Founding of this Advisory Board was announced by Olivia Robertson on November 21, 2006. The Druid Clan of Dana of the Fellowship of Isis has no affiliation with any other Druidic organization. The Druid Clan of Dana has no overall Chief. Members of this "Organizing Circle" of the Druid Clan of Dana include:
Rt. Rev. Patricia Griffin, (Ireland), Rt. Rev. John Merron, (UK) Rt. Rev. Cathryn-Anne Rogers, (USA), Rt. Rev. Bishop Afarri, (Ghana), Eileen Lawrence, ArchDrs. (Ireland), Rev. Daniel Campbell, (USA), Rev. Vincent Akpabio, (Nigeria).
The Round Table of Tara (Advisory Board for the Noble Order of Tara) (Currently Inactive)
Founding of this Advisory Board was announced by Olivia Robertson on November 21, 2006. The Noble Order of Tara of the Fellowship of Isis has no affiliation with any other Order of Chivalry. The title "Chancellor" was held by the remaining Fellowship of Isis co-Founder, the late Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson. Because this title was hereditary in nature, it cannot be transferred. Members of this "Organizing Circle" of the Noble Order of Tara include:
Sara Robinson, GDC (UK), Rt. Rev. Swami Prem Sudheer, (Scotland), Rt. Rev. Connia Silver, (USA), Rt. Rev. Chief Michael Okoruwa, (Nigeria), Rev. Mary Browne, (USA), Rt. Rev. Professor Tadahiro Ohnuma, (Japan), Rev. Dr. Henri Roca, (USA).
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