Fellowship of Isis History Archive - Muses Symposium
"The Muses Inspire" original painting by Lady Olivia Robertson
The Muses Symposium
A New Project Created by
FOI Co-Founder Lady Olivia Robertson
Saturday, October 6, during the FOI Convocation at Isis Oasis, 2007, Lady Olivia drew up the following charter which reads: "Art is a Rainbow Bridge between humanity and the Deities. 1000's of our members, especially in Africa do not access computers. We in FOI have formed the Muses Symposium to create a Rainbow Web by postal correspondence for the exchange of inspirational concepts especially related to writing, poetry, painting, sculpture, etc. which bridge cultural, religious and racial differences in the Spirit of Isian Fellowship.
Any who wish to join our Correspondence Symposium of the Arts may write to ArchDruidess Elda Lantz or ArchDruidess Linda Iles of the Circle of Isis, and to Justin Howard, Bard and ArchDruid, Priestess Hierophant Dietlinda Brueckner, and Priest Hierophant Ronald Cwetna. Olivia has helped to found the Muses Symposium."
Photo, left: Olivia drew a Muses Symposium charter at the Nesu House. Olivia is in the background seated, center, Dietlinda (right), with Ron Cwetna shown signing the charter, left, at the Nesu House, Isis Oasis, Geyserville, California
Muses Symposium Founder
Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, Fellowship of Isis Co-Founder
Fellowship of Isis
Clonegal Castle
Muses Symposium Coordinators
Rev. Dietlinde Brueckner, Prs. H., Germany, Muses Symposium Coordinator lamiatesenisis@web.de or bruecklind@t-online.de
Rev. Ronald Cwetna, Pr. H., Germany, Muses Symposium Coordinator rtcwetna@aol.com
Muses Symposium Founding Members
Rt. Rev. Olivia Robertson, Fellowship of Isis Co-Founder
Rt. Rev. Loreon Vigne, AU, Temple of Isis Founder
Rt. Rev. deTraci Regula, AU, Star of Isis Consultancy
Rt. Rev. Caroline Wise, London, UK
Rt. Rev. John Merron, London, UK
Rev. Linda Iles, ArchDruidess, Circle of Isis Honorary Secretary
Rev. Elda Lantz, ArchDruidess
Rev. Justin Howard, ArchDruid
Rev. Dietlinde Brueckner, Prs. H., Germany, Muses Symposium Coordinator
Rev. Ronald Cwetna, Pr. H., Germany, Muses Symposium Coordinator
Rev. Caite Mathis, Prs. H.
Rev. Sabotia Kennedy, Prs. H.
Rev. Ashena Vann, Prs. H.
Rev. Arisa Victor
Rev. Elizabeth Kelley
Rev. Helen McCrea
Rev. Katia Romanoff
Rev. Letecia Layson, Temple of Isis/Los Angeles
Rev. Anniitra Ravenmoon, Temple of Isis/Los Angeles
Rev. Catherine Wright, Temple of Isis/Los Angeles
New Muses Symposium Members
Rt. Rev. Claudia Wehmeyer
Rt. Rev. Thomas Wehmeyer
Rt. Rev. Tadahira Ohnuma
Rev. Jane Marshall
Rev. Alison Gould
Rev. Josephine Langarof
Rev. Cathy Manning
Rev. Bade Adeside
If you wish a listing in the Muses Symposium section of Isian News which encompasses the whole of the Fellowship of Isis membership, please write to the Honorary Secretary of the Circle of Isis with "Muses Symposium" in the subject line.
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