Fellowship of Isis - Statement of Ethics
For All Global Sites:
Received August 20, 2012
Fellowship of Isis Foundation Centre
Clonegal Caste, Ireland
Notice For All Members
From: Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder, F.O.I.
Date: August 19, 2012
“In ISIS we rely not on rules and regulations,
But on the Divine Power of Her Winnowing Wings of Protection.
In Her we trust.”
The Fellowship of Isis is all about developing an inner love of the Divine Feminine and the Sacred Masculine together. There is therefore an onus of integrity and responsibility upon every individual member to uphold and adhere to the principles and ideals of the Fellowship, as set out in the Manifesto.
It has come to our attention that the Fellowship of Isis with its friendly honour for all genuine faiths has, in certain cases, become misused to validate the illegal manipulation of vulnerable members leading to inappropriate behaviour and violation of boundaries. Often first contact is made through the social media leading on to illegal spiritual, emotional and physical abuse.
All members need to know that such sacrilegious desecration of the spiritual religion of The Goddess constitutes legitimate grounds for automatic expulsion from the Fellowship of Isis. It should be remembered that no secrecy or binding vow is sanctioned in the Fellowship. Any member has the right, at any time, to seek assistance from outside authorities.
“I am She Who Was and Is and Is to Be. No mortal man hath lifted my veil.”
Isis lifts her veil to those with loving hearts,
Who seek the truth.
Received November 6, 2012
From FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson
Ethics within the Fellowship
"In ISIS we rely not on rules and regulations,
But on the Divine Power of Her Winnowing Wings of Protection.
In Her we trust.”
There is an duty of integrity and responsibility upon every individual member to uphold and adhere to the principles and ideals of the Fellowship, as set out in this Manifesto, including prevention of abuse and exploitation of humans, animals, and our environment.
No secrecy or binding vow is sanctioned in the Fellowship.
Any member has the right, at any time, to seek assistance from outside authorities.
Oracle of Isis
“I am She Who Was and Is and Is to Be. No mortal man hath lifted my veil.”
Isis lifts her veil to those with loving hearts,
Who seek the truth.
The balance between Love and Truth, divine feminine and sacred masculine, Isis and Osiris, brings forth harmony.
Message Received From
The Rt. Rev. Hon. Olivia Robertson, Co-Founder of the Fellowship of Isis
November 29, 2012
All operations within the Fellowship of Isis are based on the principles of the Manifesto, which promote truth, beauty, healing, compassion, kindness and reverence for all life. All members act in accordance with the ideals of the Goddess Isis as the Compassionate, Loving Mother of All Beings. No act of submission, domination, exploitation, physical trial or ordeal, including physical or mental wounding or 'sacred sex working' and prostitution will be tolerated within the practice of the FOI. Activities which are not in alignment with the principles of the FOI Manifesto are grounds to revoke FOI Priestess/Priesthood and/or FOI Membership.
Purpose and Ethics within the Fellowship of Isis
A Consensus of FOI Custodians
I. What the Fellowship of Isis Is
On November 15, 2002, FOI co-founder Lady Olivia Robertson issued the following statement:
I would like to correct an inaccuracy in the definition of the Fellowship of Isis as a Pagan organization. We are happy to have 1000's of Pagans among our 21,000 members in so many countries. But we also have Catholics, Protestants, Buddhists, Spiritualists and Hindus as members. All love and follow the religion of Isis of 10,000 Names.
Blessings of Isis,
Olivia Robertson, AU
II. Purpose and Ethics
The purpose of the Fellowship of Isis is to bring back a very specific spiritual path, which FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson and the two other FOI Co-Founders, Lawrence and Pamela Durdin-Robertson called a return of the Religion of the Goddess. Of this, FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson has written:
“The religion of the Goddess centres around the Hearth. Whether this be the inner sun flaming within the matrix of our earth, or the sun itself, this is the source of manifested life. Within the body of all mothers, whether Goddesses, women, female creatures that give birth to egg or seed, the inner fire is the Divine Centre. In this nucleus is our own heart's life, that heart whose rhythmic beating keeps us alive and sets moving the rhythmic Dance of Creation.”
Members of the Fellowship of Isis and the priestesses and priests of the Fellowship of Isis honor and reference all forms of life as though each human being and every living creature, and the entire earth is a part of their own body, is a child from their body. We reverence all life and the earth, and we treat all life and the earth with gentleness and compassion.
According to the principles of the Fellowship of Isis, we have an obligation to treat the bodies of others and our own bodies as temples of the Goddess. As Olivia has written: “We carry our temples about us.” Our bodies house our hearts, which are the altars of the Goddess, the place where Deity and Devotee meet.
This is the true work of the Fellowship of Isis - to help each member create and foster a personal connection with Deity. In the Fellowship of Isis, this connection is accomplished through use of meditation, and the guided journeys, oracles and rituals of the Fellowship of Isis liturgy; and through oracles and rituals brought through members of the priestess/priesthood, whose work is based upon the founding principles of the Fellowship of Isis.
We are a spiritual organization, based on practices of meditation, guided journeys and rituals. After ritual, the participants typically have a time of meditation and then share reports of their experiences and offer thanks to the Deities before sending out rays of healing and compassion for all in need.
We do not believe in the idea of sacrifice, whether real or symbolic. This includes not only animal sacrifice but acts which are sometimes considered in other spiritual traditions to be sacrifices made by a human being to their Deity, which include branding, cutting, mutilation of the body in any way, shape, or form. We do not subscribe to the ideas of submission or domination, whether real or symbolic.
Our spiritual tradition espouses equality on every level at all times. We do this to balance the effects of thousands of years of patriarchy. We endeavor to live our lives as representatives of the Great Mother and to foster a connection with Deity. Members often undertake support of various charities to help others. Members often take part in environmental causes to protect nature and the earth. This is the focus of the Fellowship of Isis.
There are many ways to attain a different level of consciousness. But the Fellowship of Isis does not endorse all those various means. We are not all encompassing and embracing of the practices of all paths within our organization. The Fellowship of Isis is tolerant of other paths and traditions, honoring and recognizing that which is good in them, which is an entirely different thing.
Back to Fellowship of Isis Manifesto