Fellowship of Isis History Archive - Contributions to Castle Shrines
On June 29,2010, FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson issued a request to compile a list of contributors and gifts to the Temple of Isis Shrines. You may view the notice here:
Announcement: Muses Symposium Notice, Temple Gifts
Muses Symposium Notice
Temple Gifts
June 29, 2010
For over fifty years Lawrence and Olivia Durdin-Robertson have given grateful thanks to so many donors of lovely pictures and craft works for their Temple of Isis. Now the time has come for those who have given, to receive acknowledgement of their work on our expanding FOI Global Centres. Many do not wish for this publicity, but others would appreciate being listed. This would be helpful for members wishing to order paintings, wands, figures and other works of art. Those wishing to contribute may give necessary information to the Hon. Secretary of the Circle of Isis Fellowship of Isis Central Global Website: isiscircleonline@yahoo.com; Circle of Pelagia: isishazel@yahoo.com; FOI Germany: sekhmet@online.de; and Star of Elen: ContactSOE@starofelen.org
A list of contributors and gifts made to the Temple of Isis at Clonegal Castle over the years. This list will be regularly updated as more information is received.
Key to Main Areas within the Temple of Isis, Clonegal Castle:
Temple Sanctuary
(Main area, High Altar and Nave)
Chapel of Ishtar
(Adytum or Holy of Holies, dedicated to the 'fifth' element, Aether/Spirit. Also contains the "Egyptian Corner" or Chapel of Stars)
Chapel of Healing
(Chapel of Air, dedicated to the element of Air)
Chapel of Fire
(Hindu Chapel, Chapel of the East, Chapel of Asia, dedicated to the element of Fire)
Chapel of the Well of Brigid
(Chapel of the Well, dedicated to the element of Water)
Cave of the Mothers
(Chapel of the Mothers, Chapel of Earth, Chapel of Gaia, dedicated to the element of Earth)
Olivia Robertson
Chapel of the Well of Brigid
Paintings, Isis (right) and Osiris (left) situated on either side of the iron gate to the Chapel of the Well
“Brigid Na Mara,” Chapel of the Well
"Manannán of the Heights Above and Depths Below," Chapel of the Well
"Morrígan of River and Grael," Chapel of the Well
"Old Moon Embraces New Moon," Chapel of the Well
"Star Child, Moon Mother," Chapel of the Well
Left of Brigid’s Well, painting titled “Alchemical Aidan,” Chapel of the Well
"Brigid and Grainne" painting, Isis of the Ships Window Shrine, Chapel of the Well
Painting on Cover of the Well in Chapel of the Well
Painting "Diana and Endymion," Chapel of the Well
Shrine of Sagittarius, right, painting, "The Wild Girl Within," Chapel of the Well
Shrine of Sagittarius, painting, "Four-fold Fractal," Chapel of the Well
Holy of Holies or Chapel of Ishtar
Painted Altar cloth, Altar of Ishtar
Ishtar painting, inlaid with abalone, mother-of-pearl; sometimes adorned with a rock crystal necklace and earrings, Altar of Ishtar
Painting, “Isis and Osiris” (embracing amongst the stars) near Ishtar Altar
Near Dana Shrine, painting, "Divine Suns of Sirius," Chapel of Ishtar
FOI Members’ Shrine, various paintings, including one of Triple Artemis, one of Derceto/Melusina and one of Pallas Athena, Chapel of Ishtar
Alchemy Shrine, painting, "Brigid of Alchemy," Chapel of Ishtar
Shrine of Dana, Star Chapel, next to Well of Brigid
Painting, "New Moon Over Mt. Leinster," resting just below Altar of Dana, Star Chapel
Painting above Altar of Dana, dated to 1952, of the Goddess Dana of the Tuatha de Danaan as seen in a vision by Olivia Robertson, Shrine of Dana, Star Chapel
Painting, left of Dana Altar, "Mari of the Mists" of the Atlantic Ocean, Daughter of Manannán Mac Lir, Ocean God, Star Chapel
Below, left, painting by Olivia Robertson of "Fionnuala and a Swan of Lir," Shrine of Dana, Star Chapel
"Isis with Her Daughter, the Younger Hathor" (right) and "Osiris and His Son, the Younger Horus" (left) on two windows right and left of the Altar/Shrine of Dana, Star Chapel
Below, right, painting by Olivia Robertson of "Etaine and Midir, Sidhe (The Immortal Hour)," Shrine of Dana, Star Chapel
Painting of Aenghus Og, God of Love and Joy with His Birds, on Dana Altar, Star Chapel
Far right corner, top, “Lightening Flash of Isis” cover art for Isian News no. 119, Brigantia, 2006
Far right corner, below, painting used as cover for the FOI Liturgy book “Brigid of the Rainbow Planets, Adventures of the Alchemical Twins”
Chapel of Stars (Egyptian Corner)
Shrine of Nuit, coloured drawing, titled by Olivia either as "The White Lady," "The Shining Lady" or "The Silver Lady" as she appeared to Olivia in the early 1940s, Chapel of Stars
Shrine of the Goddesses of the Pantheon, coloured drawing "Winged Isis-Hathor," Chapel of Stars
Cave of the Mothers
"The Three Mothers," Chapel of Daughter of Gaia of the New Aeon, Cave of the Mothers
Chapel of Healing
“Isis of Starry Space” painted by Olivia Robertson and Marian Marshe, Chapel of Air (Healing Chapel)
Chapel of Fire
"Pele of Fire and Earth," Chapel of Fire
Shrines of the Zodiac, Temple Colonnade
Shrine of Cancer, Altar of Juno, painting, “The Faery Fates” (right) cover art for Isian News #120, Beltane, 2006; painting, “The Peacock Angel” (left) cover art of Isian News #126, Samhain, 2007
Shrine of Taurus, painting, "The Goddess Maya of the Americas"
Temple Sanctuary and Nave
"Isis Guides Our Course" (Isis of the Ships), beneath Windows of Eternity, Temple Sanctuary
Entrance to Temple Sanctuary
"Aset Shemsu" (Retinue of Isis), Olivia’s original drawing of the Fellowship of Isis logo, interior entrance to Temple Sanctuary and Nave
Additional Shrines:
Chapel of Harmony, painting of "Ghandarvi Devi in Yogic Asama"
Stella Maris Shrine, painting "Divine Twins of Sirius"
David Durdin-Robertson
Bas relief of the Goddess Isis, “Isis Blessing the Nile,” also called “Isis of the Palms” in the northeast nave, above the Shrine of Aries, Temple Sanctuary
Statue of Bast, Shrine of Aries, Temple Sanctuary
Statue of "Isis of the Aquarian Age" carved of elm (or yew), High Altar, Temple Sanctuary, when David was fifteen years old. This piece was originally titled "Madonna of the Aquarian Age." It is nearly two feet high.
Carving near Window of Eternity of Woman’s Head, “Mask of Neith,” made of boxwood, originally located in the interior entrance to the Temple
Carving of Dana, as a plaque, Dana shrine
Statue of Etain, Shrine of Libra, Chapel of the Well of Brigid
Winged figure of Brigid of the Wells, Chapel of the Well of Brigid
Statue of torso of Venus made of yew wood, Shrine of Leo, Temple Colonnade
Main altar figure, Shrine of Virgo, “Isis Raising Osiris” carved by David when he was sixteen years old, Temple Colonnade
Zodiac Sun for Shrines of the Zodiac area, originally situated near interior Temple entrance
Primordial Mother, Cave of the Mothers
“Ceridwen the White Goddess of Wales,” (also “Ceridwen of the White Rock”) carving, Isis Healing Chapel
“Halcyon Bird,” painted tulip tree wood, originally located near interior Temple entrance, now in Shrine of Taurus
Anna Currey (nee Durdin-Robertson), painting of Freya, Shrine of Scorpio, Chapel of the Well of Brigid; painting of a griffin, near Shrine of Dana, Chapel of Stars; painting of a female centaur, Chapel of Healing; drawing of the Three Norns, Shrine of Libra
Melian Poorun (nee Durdin-Robertson), painting of a Deva, near Shrine of Ishtar, Chapel of Ishtar
Desmond Fay (departed 31st of July, 1997, age 81) a member of the Fellowship of Isis since 1980 and never missed a festival. Desmond was a skilled metal worker - his Winged Disc crowns and candelabra are in the Temple. His father W. G. Fay was, with his brother, a Director of the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, and, when Director of the Court Theatre London, co-authored a play with Nora K. Robertson, Lawrence and Olivia's mother.
Liesbeth Fonkert, tapestry titled “The Gate of Life“, Shrine of Capricorn, Chapel of the Well of Brigid
Marian Marshe, painting of "Isis of Starry Space," co-executed with Olivia Robertson, Chapel of Air, Healing Chapel; Goddess statue carved from black stone, Cave of the Mothers
Chesca Potter, two paintings of the Goddess Isis, Shrine of Virgo; painting, "The Scarlet Woman," Shrine of Scorpio
Ian MacDonald, painting of Isis, Shrine of Virgo
Nicola Gordon-Bowe, painting of Kwan Yin, near Shrine of Neith, Egyptian Corner, Chapel of Stars
Michael Okoruwa, Statue of Ngame and Statue of Queen Tehani, High Altar, Temple Sanctuary
Anonymous nun, Virgin Mary figure with a miraculous medal, F. C. J. convent of Bunclody, Shrine of Pisces, Temple Sanctuary
Mijanou, two very large and colorful stuffed canvas dragons named “Yin” and “Yang” which were twisted lengthwise around four of the pillars of the temple and used for seating.
Mary Rose and John Macken, African Masai female and male figures, Healing Chapel, Chapel of Air
Caroline Wise, statue of Madonna with Child painted by Chesca Potter as a Black Madonna with a green robe and golden stars, seated upon a throne; another Madonna statue also painted by Chesca Potter as a Black Madonna with a red and gold cloak, standing; an antique jadeite Quan Yin.
Dallas Baines Jr., hand painted silk with multi-color wings, Bast Altar
Edward Livingston, gold Bast statue, Bast Altar
Helen McCrea, on either side of the High Altar, tapestries of the Goddess Ma’at (left) and Ancient Egyptian Musicians (right) which were designed by Helen, who has made many contributions from items featured in her Ancient Egyptian Collection: http://isis-collection.com/
Linda Iles, antique Tibetan Singing Bowl bought in Nepal, Chapel of Healing; Chinese porcelain "Blanc de Chine" statue of Kwan Yin (dated to early twentieth century); a coloured drawing, "The Starry Coils of Tiamat" along with various photos & drawings donated by members, Shrine of the Goddesses of the Pantheon, Chapel of Ishtar
From the private collection of the Durdin-Robertson family:
Wooden panels carved by renowned artist and designer William Morris (1834 - 1896) in Shrine of Pisces, Shrine of Aquarius, Temple Sanctuary; reredos by William Morris, Shrine of Libra, Chapel of the Well; two carved pedestals, Shrine of Leo; and two white and gold pieces on either side of the Shrine of Ishtar, Chapel of Ishtar.
Shrine of Leo, ebony fireplace carved by Alexander Durdin, great grandfather of FOI co-founders Lawrence Durdin-Robertson and Olivia Robertson.
Atalanta, (ancient Greek Goddess of Balance) iron statue by Jean Jacques Ducel of Paris, located on landing of the flight of steps leading from the castle down to the outdoor temple entrance situated within Portico of Persephone. J. J. Ducel signed his works “J. J. Ducel/ Me de Forges” which literally translates as "J. J. Ducel/ Master of the Forge." He was active in his art during the nineteenth century from1823-1877. The year after his death, 1878, his foundry and the models of his work were acquired by the foundry of Val D'Osne of Paris, which later produced the Statue of Liberty. The Val D'Osne reproduced Ducel's work through the first quarter of the twentieth century. Ducel was considered a master of the art of iron work and casting. He won a medal in the 1844 Exposition, an honorable mention in 1851, and a First Class medal in 1855. His foundry in Pocé sur Cisse was one of the most important Art Founderies of France. Works by Jean Jacques Ducel have been included in private art collections worldwide, including that of Geraldine Rockefeller Dodge. Many of his pieces are catalogued by the prestigious Heritage France, including a notable work at Lussac les Chateaux; and cited by the French Cultural Heritage Inventory, Regional Council of Poitou-Charentes.
Note from Website Manager: I’ve had the opportunity to see one of Ducel's pieces first hand. It is located at the Los Angeles County Arboretum and Botanic Garden in Arcadia, California, USA. The statue, a large cast iron garden sculpture of two women holding aloft a basket of fruit and flowers, is currently located between the Queen Anne Cottage and the Coach Barn.
Not specifically in the castle shrines but deserves mention here:
Chesca Potter, drawing of “Star of Ishtar and the Web of the Universe and the Tiamat Dragon Around the Divine Matrix Diagram.” Chesca’s drawing has been the basis for all depictions of the Star of Ishtar since it was first published in the original College of Isis Manual in 1992.
Note: Olivia makes changes to the shrines and altars on a fairly regular basis, so the location or availability for viewing of some items may change over time.