Fellowship of Isis History - Isis-Seshat

Cover art by Olivia Robertson, Volume 2. Issue 1. Spring Rite of Healing, March 2005

Isis-Seshat, the Journal of the Fellowship of Isis

Isis-Seshat was first published on Imbolg, 2004. It contains articles, poetry, accounts of spiritual experiences and Goddess related research conducted by FOI members, including contributions from FOI co-founder Olivia Robertson, AU. This publication offers a venue for FOI members to connect and share with others in the worldwide FOI community through a printed publication supported by subscription and sent by postal mail.

The original editors were Deena Butta and Estara T'shirai, both AU members. Deena acted as editor-in-chief, Estara as copy and layout editor. Eventually Deena served alone as editor and publisher. Subscriptions may be obtained online through PayPal or by check through snail mail. Starting with the Spring issue, 2009, Isis-Seshat is now being made available online in pdf files available for download.

More information about Isis-Seshat:


The diversity of artwork displayed on this sampling of covers of Isis-Seshat reflects the wide range of it's contents. Articles of scholarly interest, FOI members commentaries, reports of spiritual experiences, announcements and news within the FOI community are regularly featured. This "Personal Post" of the Fellowship of Isis reflects the many talents and interests of FOI members.

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The rights to the cover art for this issue of Isis-Seshat are retained by the artists and or publishers. The name "Isis-Seshat, the Journal of the Fellowship of Isis" and "Isis-Seshat the Personal Post of the Fellowship of Isis" all rights reserved by the publishers of Isis-Seshat.