Fellowship of Isis Central - Home

Welcome to the Central Hearth of the Fellowship of Isis!

We are the official central website for the Fellowship of Isis, as designated by Olivia Robertson. This central website for the Fellowship of Isis was originally authorized and chartered by Fellowship of Isis Co-Founder Olivia Robertson in 2004. In 2013, approximately nine months before her death, Olivia sent a second charter in which she designated this website as the "official cyber hearth of the FOI". Scans of our charters are presented at the end of this page. Of our work she wrote: "Our Fellowship of Isis Central website has generated goodwill within the Fellowship of Isis. I am so happy with your work as an official Central Webpage of the Fellowship of Isis."This site presents and preserves the legacy of the Fellowship of Isis as created by the three FOI Co-Founders, Olivia Robertson and her brother, Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, and his wife, Pamela Durdin-Robertson. All information on our website was directly approved and authorized by Fellowship of Isis Co-Founder Olivia Robertson. Our What is New page features links to the latest photos, announcements and website updates. You may use the An Index to This Website tab above to access links to all the sections on the website. This Fellowship of Isis Central Website features current and detailed information on the founding principles of the Fellowship of Isis, as outlined in the FOI Manifesto, the History and Policies of the Fellowship of Isis, the Liturgy of the Fellowship of Isis, Muses Symposium, the Animal Family of Isis and aims and initiation structures: Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara, Mysteries of the FOI Liturgy studied within the College of Isis, and Star of Ishtar including a Glossary of terms and FOI Directory.

We were originally chartered as an officially designated Central Fellowship of Isis Website by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson in October, 2004. Our scope of operation in the Fellowship of Isis community is worldwide rather than regional. We are authorized to Accept Membership Applications and Enroll New Members, register New Centers and Appointments, as well as provide online Listings of FOI Centres for the international FOI community.

Those members who chose not to participate in an FOI Centre or group, may wish to visit our Solitary Members page. We also offer Oracles of the Seasons, featuring a new oracle written by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson four times a year. The site is dedicated to the ancient Egyptian Goddess Isis of Ten Thousand Names, patroness of the Fellowship of Isis.

In October 2009, Fellowship of Isis Co-Founder Olivia Robertson created the Fellowship of Isis Union Triad . These three unions act as guardians and custodians of the legacy of the Fellowship of Isis. They are: the ArchDruid Union (Druid Clan of Dana), ArchPriesthood Union (FOI Priesthood) and Grand Commander Union (Noble Order of Tara).

Isian News, the original newsletter of the Fellowship of Isis, once issued directly by the FOI co-founders from FOI Foundation Headquarters at Clonegal Castle, Ireland, is offered online through Fellowship of Isis Central starting with the Brigantia 2009 issue as pdf file, available upon request.

We are also authorized to publish books for the Fellowship of Isis, including all works by FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson and her late brother FOI Co-Founder Lawrence Durdin-Robertson, including the liturgy, handbooks and manuals. Books published for the Fellowship of Isis

From FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson, dated November 22, 2010:

Blessings in the Name of Isis

To this Central Hearth of the Fellowship of Isis

“I am so happy with the success of the Fellowship of Isis Central website! Your presence on the web is vital to our rapidly growing community. When our movement started - it was based on the inspiration of the Goddess Isis. Then, it expanded - the Goddess Athena brings Her underlying wisdom. The Fellowship of Isis Central website has blended these two aspects beautifully. These website pages provide a true melding of the inspiration and idealism of our early history along with the later Fellowship of Isis guidelines and facts. It is all I hoped for in a central FOI website, it is all my brother would have wanted.

Isis of the Aquarian Age, as Isis-Athena pours forth the Waters of Wisdom! Fellowship of Isis Central is truly Our Worldwide Central Hearth as we progress into the twenty-first century!”

Above: Revised charter received from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson

designating Fellowship of Isis Central as "the Central Hearth on the Web."

Our Website Dedication from FOI Co-Founder Olivia Robertson

Below: Our Original Charter from Olivia Robertson which authorizes us to receive registrations


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(FOI Events, Druid Clan of Dana, Noble Order of Tara & Fellowship of Isis)

Photo: Olivia Robertson, co-founder of the Fellowship of Isis. Photo © Loreon Vigne