Olivia Robertson - Open Letters 1997

From Olivia Robertson

FOI Co-Founder

Isian News 86, Samhain 1997

The Druid Clan of Dana

A Druidic Blessing Rite was performed by the River of the Druid Oak, the Derry, by Olivia Robertson and the Artist Director Keith Payne of the Ancient Order of Druids for photographs in the Autumn Italian Vogue. Photos of Karen Elson and other models wearing Versace dresses were shown in the yew walk, the Druid Grove of Dana and even in the river! Blessings of Old Midsummer day were called for wildlife, including hooded crows! It was the longest blessing Olivia had ever given because the photographer took about an hour and a half!

The Isis Mystical Wedding

The Mystical Wedding rite was performed at the summer solstice, the bride being Joanne O. from the USA and Stephen Goggin of Ireland. Olivia had only performed this rite, so different from the usual marriage ceremony, once before. The silvery power ascending in Isian flow was extraordinary! The sacred elements were shared with all and the walk around the flame was undergone by the whole company. A photographer and our friend Alan Bestick were covering the event for the British Sunday Telegraph. The couple obtained magi degrees.


From Olivia Robertson

FOI Co-Founder

Isian News 85, Summer [Lughnasadh] 1997

The Land of Isis. Philae is Restored in the New Atlantis!

At the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago, Olivia Robertson hopefully prophesied the restoration of the Temple o Isis in Philae from Egypt to America, the new Atlantis - described as such by Francis Bacon. But she had not expected it to happen so quickly! After all, we make a shrine to Isis in our hearts, hearths and homes. But the religion of Isis was a living manifestation in actual Temples with land. Now the Rev. Loreon Vigne has donated the Retreat Centre of Isis Oasis to the Temple of Isis. This includes 10 acres with wildlife preserve, a Temple, banqueting hall, a theatre that holds about a hundred and accommodation for about 60 people.

The Temple of Isis is a legal church in the state of California and the federal government. FOI Priestesses and Priests may obtain legal ministerial status through a certificate as part of the Priesthood of the Temple of Isis.

This legal status may of course be obtained and welcomed from other Lyceums and Iseums in other USA states and in other countries - each under a separate Isian Name, hence avoiding confusion with the main body of the FOI. Every Priestess and Priest has equal status with all others, whether legal or not. It is Isis Who gives the Vocation.


From Olivia Robertson

FOI Co-Founder

Isian News 84, Beltaine 1997


Many new USA members are joining because they have been attracted by a TV programme, showing a Druid Clan of Dana Rite, and the ordination of Karin L. of the Lyceum of Aine and Sophia at Clonegal Castle. The film was shown on the Learning Channel, produced by the University of Los Angeles.

New members also continue to join because they liked the Pete McCarty film on “Desperately Seeking Something”, Channel 4, UK.

Steve Wilson of the Grove of the Four Elements appeared on the 5 O’clock Sky News Satellite Bulletin, interviewed about a theory that Stonehenge is French! He also appeared with TV Interviewer Jeremy Paxman and author John Fowles on a Radio 4 programme about Robin Hood as the much needed English Hero!


From Olivia Robertson

FOI Co-Founder

Isian News 83, Brigantia 1997

FOI Priesthood

All are entitled to call themselves “The Reverend”.


The Druid Clan of Dana and Foundation Iseum were featured in the British Channel four programme “Desperately Seeking Something”. Pete McCarthy was shown being initiated into the Druid Clan of Dana with three Groves represented - The Daoire Grove: Olivia, The Brigid Grove: Patricia Griffin, Padraic O’Reilly and Karen Lappin. The Grove of the Sidhe, by Sue Hayes, the Grove of Sinann, Adje and Thistlewood, performed a long staff fire ritual. Local support was gained by a piece in The Star with headline “Myths are Hit: New Series a Godsend to Tourism.” “Tourism chiefs will be popping the champagne corks next week when Ireland’s praises are sung from the heavens on a major British TV Show. McCarthy meets Olivia Robertson, who runs the world headquarters of the Fellowship of Isis …” there is a colour photo of Pete and Olivia.


Ronald Hutton spoke excellently on BBC Radio 4 discussion programme “The Moral Maze.” He maintained the dignity of his position as Professor at Bristol University with expressing pagan beliefs as in opposition to other speakers. He has the gift of putting an academic query before such taboo subjects, thereby making them acceptable by being so himself.

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